'If I was a professor looking for a text to use in teaching a microwave integrated circuits course, I would pick this book. When I get asked where to go to learn about all this microwave stuff, Voinigescu's book will be on my shortlist …' IEEE Microwave Magazine
1. Introduction; 2. High-frequency and high-data-rate communication systems; 3. High-frequency linear noisy network analysis; 4. High-frequency devices; 5. Circuit analysis techniques for high-frequency integrated circuits; 6. Tuned power amplifier design; 7. Low-noise tuned amplifier design; 8. Broadband low-noise and transimpedance amplifiers; 9. Mixers, switches, modulators, and other control circuits; 10. Design of voltage-controlled oscillators; 11. High-speed digital logic; 12. High-speed digital output drivers with waveshape control; 13. SoC examples; Appendix 1. Trigonometric identities; Appendix 2. Baseband binary data formats and analysis; Appendix 3. Linear matrix transformations; Appendix 4. Fourier series; Appendix 5. Exact noise analysis for a cascode amplifier with inductive degeneration; Appendix 6. Noise analysis of the common-emitter amplifier with transformer feedback; Appendix 7. Common-source amplifier with shunt-series transformer feedback; Appendix 8. HiCUM level 0 model for a SiGe HBT; Appendix 9. Technology parameters; Appendix 10. Analytical study of oscillator phase noise; Appendix 11. Physical constants; Appendix 12. Letter frequency bands; Index.