Chapter 1 Adolescent Literacy
Chapter 2 The What and the Why of RTI
Chapter 3 Transforming Your Literacy Leadership Team into a Problem-Solving Team
Chapter 4 Addressing Student Engagement and Motivation Issues
Chapter 5 Literacy Instruction
Chapter 6 Tiered Literacy Intervention
Chapter 7 Teacher Support
Chapter 8 Conclusion
Works Cited
Dr. Pamela Craig, author of Literacy Leadership Teams: Collaborative Leadership for Improving and Sustaining Student Achievement, has spent the past eight years as a literacy specialist working with low-performing schools throughout the state of Florida. She currently serves as a Regional Executive Director for the Florida Department of Education providing support to improve student achievement at low performing schools. She taught high school language arts for 11 years and has presented at state and national conferences on a myriad of topics focusing on instructional practices related to improving adolescent literacy. She earned her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of South Florida in 2006. She was named the Florida Council of Teachers of English (FCTE) 2001 Teacher of the Year and currently serves as the President for FCTE. She resides in Bradenton, Florida, with her husband, three children, and five grandchildren.,
Dr. Rebecca Sarlo has devoted her career to serving struggling schools throughout the state of Florida. She currently serves as the Problem Solving/Response to Intervention (PS/RTI) Secondary School Coordinator for Florida's PS/RTI Project. Within this position, she is responsible for the development of a state-wide secondary RTI model and for supporting schools and districts to utilize PS/RTI to meet the needs of all students. Previously, Dr. Sarlo was employed by the Florida Department of Education, where she served on a regional accountability and support team as the RTI Specialist. She began her career as a school psychologist, enjoying this work for nine years. She earned her Ph.D. in School Psychology from the University of South Florida and is a nationally certified school psychologist. Dr. Sarlo has taught undergraduate and graduate level education courses focused on instructional design, child development and learning, and effective communication and consultation. She presents at numerous state and national conferences