wyszukanych pozycji: 16
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Stories Subversive: Through the Field with Gloves Off: Short Fiction by Nellie L. McClung
ISBN: 9780776604244 / Angielski / Miękka / 1997 / 240 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 30 dni roboczych. First-wave feminist, activist, and social reformer, Nellie McClung ranked as one of the most popular Canadian authors and among the liveliest critics of Canada's male-dominated society. Well ahead of her time, McClung was known as a writer who dared to discuss taboo topics, and for her inimitable humour, which rivals that of Stephen Leacock. This selection of her best short fiction includes depictions of difficult rural living conditions in Western Canada as well as "consciousness-raising" stories reflecting the undue restrictions on women and the anti-female laws and attitudes of her day.
First-wave feminist, activist, and social reformer, Nellie McClung ranked as one of the most popular Canadian authors and among the liveliest critics ...
68,61 zł |
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The Black Creek Stopping-House, and Other Stories
ISBN: 9781517700478 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 72 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. When John Corbett strolled leisurely into the Salvation Army meeting in old Victoria Hall in Winnipeg that night, so many years ago now, there may have been some who thought he came to disturb the meeting. There did not seem to be any atmospheric reason why Mr. Corbett or anyone else should be abroad, for it was a drizzling cold November night, and the streets were muddy, as only Winnipeg streets in the old days could be-none of your light-minded, fickle-hearted, changeable mud that is mud to-day and dust to-morrow, but the genuine, original, brush-defying, soap-and-water-proof, north star,...
When John Corbett strolled leisurely into the Salvation Army meeting in old Victoria Hall in Winnipeg that night, so many years ago now, there may hav...
29,98 zł |
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The Next of Kin: Those who Wait and Wonder
ISBN: 9781517700140 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 76 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. It was a bleak day in November, with a thick, gray sky, and a great, noisy, blustering wind that had a knack of facing you, no matter which way you were going; a wind that would be in ill-favor anywhere, but in northern Alberta, where the wind is not due to blow at all, it was what the really polite people call "impossible." Those who were not so polite called it something quite different, but the meaning is the same.
It was a bleak day in November, with a thick, gray sky, and a great, noisy, blustering wind that had a knack of facing you, no matter which way you we...
29,98 zł |
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Flowers for the Living: A Book of Short Stories
ISBN: 9781478392255 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 162 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Mary Coulter, who works by the day and has little time for reading, had never heard of Mary Webb's poem about the woman who had craved flowers all her life and never had had them, and yet when she died her coffin was lined with pink rosebuds, and stately white lilies stood like guardian angels among the tapers; and blue forget-me-nots, and lilies of the valley mingled with carnations and canterbury bells and narcissus and iris to form wreaths and pillows and shields and crosses and broken columns and what-nots, covering her coffin three times over, and overflowing the altar and chancel of the...
Mary Coulter, who works by the day and has little time for reading, had never heard of Mary Webb's poem about the woman who had craved flowers all her...
62,57 zł |
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The Second Chance
ISBN: 9781517700416 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 146 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. In the long run all love is paid by love, Tho' undervalued by the hosts of earth. The great eternal government above Keeps strict account, and will redeem its worth. Give thy love freely; do not count the cost; So beautiful a thing was never lost In the long run.
In the long run all love is paid by love, Tho' undervalued by the hosts of earth. The great eternal government above Keeps strict account, and will re...
34,27 zł |
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Purple Springs
ISBN: 9781517700461 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 136 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. It was the last day of February, the extra day, dead still, and biting cold, with thick, lead-colored skies shading down to inky blue at the western horizon. In the ravine below John Watson's house trees cracked ominously in the frost, and not even a rabbit was stirring. The hens had not come out, though an open door had extended an invitation, and the tamworths had burrowed deeper into the stack of oat straw. The cattle had taken refuge in the big shed, and even old Nap, in spite of his thick Coat, had whimpered at the door to be let in.
It was the last day of February, the extra day, dead still, and biting cold, with thick, lead-colored skies shading down to inky blue at the western h...
32,12 zł |
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In Times Like These
ISBN: 9781517700096 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 84 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Who would not come to hear a woman speak being firmly convinced that it is not "natural." Who takes the rather unassailable ground that "men are men and women are women." Who answers all arguments by saying, "Woman's place is the home" and, "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world," and even sometimes flashes out with the brilliant retort, "It would suit those women better to stay at home and darn their children's stockings."
Who would not come to hear a woman speak being firmly convinced that it is not "natural." Who takes the rather unassailable ground that "men are men a...
29,98 zł |
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Painted Fires
ISBN: 9781478392378 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 262 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. It all began with the rustle of silk. When Helmi's Aunt Lili came back to Finland for a visit, after six years of the crowded ways of life in America, the older women-folk of her family regarded her with mingled feelings of awe, envy and reproach. Her elder sister, Helmi's mother, said it was foolishness for a girl who had to earn her money hard, carrying trays, to put it all on her back and wear clothes that only queens should be wearing. At which Aunt Lili had laughed, showing her gold teeth, and said it was a matter of principle with her to spend her money so fast that no one could steal...
It all began with the rustle of silk. When Helmi's Aunt Lili came back to Finland for a visit, after six years of the crowded ways of life in America,...
74,67 zł |
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Sowing Seeds in Danny
ISBN: 9781517700454 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 98 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. In her comfortable sitting room Mrs. J. Burton Francis sat, at peace with herself and all mankind. The glory of the short winter afternoon streamed into the room and touched with new warmth and tenderness the face of a Madonna on the wall. The whole room suggested peace. The quiet elegance of its furnishings, the soft leather-bound books on the table, the dreamy face of the occupant, who sat with folded hands looking out of the window, were all in strange contrast to the dreariness of the scene below, where the one long street of the little Manitoba town, piled high with snow, stretched away...
In her comfortable sitting room Mrs. J. Burton Francis sat, at peace with herself and all mankind. The glory of the short winter afternoon streamed in...
29,98 zł |
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In Times Like These
ISBN: 9781508988984 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 62 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable p...
29,98 zł |
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The Next of Kin: Those Who Wait and Wonder (WWI Centenary Series)
ISBN: 9781473313156 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 226 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. This early work by Nellie L. McClung was originally published in 1917 and we are now republishing it as part of our WWI Centenary Series. The Next of Kin: Those who Wait and Wonder is a work that paints a picture of what life was like for many during the First World War. This book is part of the World War One Centenary series; creating, collating and reprinting new and old works of poetry, fiction, autobiography and analysis. The series forms a commemorative tribute to mark the passing of one of the worlds bloodiest wars, offering new perspectives on this tragic yet fascinating period of...
This early work by Nellie L. McClung was originally published in 1917 and we are now republishing it as part of our WWI Centenary Series. The Next of ...
96,02 zł |
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Purple Springs
ISBN: 9780802068644 / Angielski / Miękka / 1992 / 335 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. The third of Nellie McClung's four novels, Purple Springs (1921) completes the story of Pearlie Watson, the oldest child of shanty Irish immigrants settled in southwest Manitboa. Peral - now a country schoolteacher - has learned that the pain and suffering of the world is ingrained in structures which are not easily or effectively swayed by 'the art of being kind.' Purple Springs fictionally extends many of the arguments made by McClung in In Times Like These regarding 'male statecraft, ' graphically illustrating the consequences through her characters. McClung skilfully weaves... The third of Nellie McClung's four novels, Purple Springs (1921) completes the story of Pearlie Watson, the oldest child of shanty Irish immigrants... |
145,46 zł |
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In Times Like These
ISBN: 9780802061256 / Angielski / Miękka / 1972 / 152 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Nellie McClung's fourth book, In Times Like These, written in 1915, survives as a classic formulation of a feminist position. With hard-hitting rhetoric it demands women's rights as a logical extension of traditional views of female moral superiority and maternal responsibility.
Nellie McClung's fourth book, In Times Like These, written in 1915, survives as a classic formulation of a feminist position. With hard-hitting rhe... |
130,40 zł |
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Three Times and Out
ISBN: 9781517700157 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 106 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. "England has declared war on Germany " We were working on a pumphouse, on the Columbia River, at Trail, British Columbia, when these words were shouted at us from the door by the boss carpenter, who had come down from the smelter to tell us that the news had just come over the wire.
"England has declared war on Germany " We were working on a pumphouse, on the Columbia River, at Trail, British Columbia, when these words were shoute...
29,98 zł |
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In Times Like These
ISBN: 9781487522322 / Angielski / Miękka / 2017 / 152 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 22 dni roboczych. Nellie McClung's fourth book, In Times Like These, written in 1915, survives as a classic formulation of a feminist position. With hard-hitting rhetoric it demands women's rights as a logical extension of traditional views of female moral superiority and maternal responsibility.
Nellie McClung's fourth book, In Times Like These, written in 1915, survives as a classic formulation of a feminist position. With hard-hitting rhetor...
115,35 zł |