1. Introduction2. Review of the models for rail freight car fleet management3. Centralized and decentralized Model for empty freight car scheduling4. Fuzzy multiobjective rail freight car fleet composition5. Fuzzy random model for rail freight car fleet management based on optimal control theory6. Stochastic model for heterogeneous rail freight car fleet management based on the model predictive control7. Distributed and decentralized approaches for rail freight car management8. Conclusions
Milos Milenkovic is Assistant Professor at The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Research Fellow at the MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program, Zaragoza, Spain. Dr. Milenkovic has a Ph.D. degree of Technical Sciences in the field of Traffic and Transportation with a focus on rail freight car scheduling and fleet sizing problems, Magisterial degree of Technical Sciences with a focus on train dispatching problems and M.Sc. degree based on railway related intelligent transportation systems from the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Dr. Milenkovic´s main research areas are mathematical optimization, model predictive control theory, time series analysis, project management and engineering economy with a special focus on transport related applications. He was engaged as the member of editorial board of a number of scientific conferences and also as a reviewer of a number of prestigious peer-reviewed journals, like Transportation Research Part C, Transportation Research Part E, Applied Mathematical Modelling, "International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems and others. During his career Dr Milenkovic published more than fifty papers in journals as well as on scientific conferences. Dr. Milenkovic has also been employed for two years in Public Enterprise Serbian Railways as a leading engineer for traffic organization and timetable construction.
Nebojsa Bojovic is Full Professor and Dean at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade. Serbia. His professional expertise, research and teaching interests include Applications of Operations Research, Information Systems and Control Theory in Transportation Systems with particular emphasis on: Rail freight car fleet sizing, Railway vehicle routing and scheduling, Risk management, and Project management. He is author of 4 monographs, 2 chapters in international monographs, over 30 scientific publications bridge appeared in international journals, as well as over 70 papers presented at international and national conferences. His professional engagement include membership in Euro Working Group on Transportation, Euro Working Group on Multicriteria Decision Aiding, Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia, Board of Directors of the Serbian Tariffs Association, Yugoslav Society of Operational Research, Yugoslav Association for Project Management. He was a member of the Organizational and Scientific Committees at 5 international scientific conferences. He is also representative of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering within the international associations European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART) and EUropean Rail Research Network of Excellence (EURNEX). He is a reviewer in number of high-ranked international journals, such as: Transportation Research Part B, Transportation Research Part E, European Journal of Operational Research, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory and other.