PART I - Humanitarian architecture 1. A humanitarian shelter terminology framework 2. Techo's emergency-housing response to hurricanes in Puerto Rico: Lessons from the field 3. The story of the disaster-relief houses in Iceland 4. The influence of technical assistance in the adoption of safer construction practices in Nepal 5. Participatory design for refugee shelters: An experiment in Syrian camps in Jordan 6. Lessons for Humanitarian Architecture from design contests: The case of the Building 4Humanity Design Competition PART II - Architecture and urban design to enhance community preparedness 7. Architects' multifaceted roles in enhancing resilience after disasters 8. Probing for resilience: Exploring design with empathy in Zanzibar, Tanzania 9. Consolidation design as an adaptation strategy in the Toi Market in Nairobi, Kenya 10. Risk and urban design in Brazilian favelas: Linking participation, collective spaces, and territorial management PART III - Housing vulnerability, community resilience, and inclusive governance 11. Informality versus short-term regularization of the Syrian refugees' situation in Lebanon 12. Incremental housing in Villa Verde, Chile: A view through the Sendai Framework lens 13. Climate Action Zones: A clustering methodology for resilient spatial planning in climate uncertainty 14. The links between vulnerability, poverty, and natural hazards: A focus on the impacts of globalization trends