ISBN-13: 9789819976805 / Angielski
ISBN-13: 9789819976805 / Angielski
Cosimo Bambi (Editor-in-Chief)
Prof. Shapiro supervised and co-supervised a number of theses and dissertations, including 13 Ph.D. theses. He is author and co-author of 170+ articles and of several books, including I.L. Buchbinder et al, "Effective Action In Quantum Gravity", IOPP/1992, with more than 900 citations in the ISI, "Introduction to Classical Mechanics", together with G. de Berredo-Peixoto, Livraria da Física/2011, 2nd edition in 2016 , English translation published in Springer/NY in 2013, "A Primer in Tensor Analysis and Relativity" (Springer/NY, 2019), "Introduction to Quantum Field Theory with Applications to Quantum Gravity", together with I.L. Buchbinder (Oxford Un. Press, 2021).
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