PART I. Human Made or Natural Change? 1. Our Globally Changing Climate 2. Drivers of Climate Change 3. Climate Models and Projections 4. Pre-historic Climate Change 5. Attribution of Climate Change
PART II. A Global Perspective 6. 1.5oC versus 2.0oC warming 7. Mitigation Pathways 8. Impacts on Global Systems 9. Implementing the Global Response
PART III. The United States 10. Temperature and Precipitation Changes 11. Droughts, Floods and Wildfires 12. Ecosystem Changes by USA Region 13. Adaptation
Dr Kieran O'Hara is a Professor Emeritus from the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Kentucky. O'Hara is a Geologist with more than 25 years of experience researching in and teaching in the Earth and Environmental Sciences, with his research focusing more on structural geology and geochemistry. He has published 30 papers and has recently published books for a variety of audiences on Geology, Climate Change and Environmental Impacts. His areas of research have included the geochemical and structural study of pseudotachylytes and geological evidence of paleoclimates, including assessing methane levels.