1. Overview 2. Production and use 3. Production of high copper concentratesdcomminution and flotation 4. Pyrometallurgical processing of copper concentrates 5. Theory to practice: pyrometallurgical industrial processes 6. Flash smelting 7. Bath matte smelting processes 8. Converting of copper matte 9. Continuous copper making processes 10. Copper loss in slag 11. Capture and fixation of sulfur 12. Fire refining (S and O removal) and anode casting 13. Electrolytic refining 14. Hydrometallurgical copper extraction: introduction and leaching 15. Solvent extraction 16 Electrowinning 17. Collection and processing of recycled copper 18. Chemical metallurgy of copper recycling 19. Melting and casting 20. Byproduct and waste streams 21. Costs of copper production 22. Toward a sustainable copper processing