Bibliografia Glosariusz/słownik Wydanie ilustrowane
1. Principles of Assistive Technology 2. Technologies that Assist People Who Have Disabilities 3. Activity, Human, and Context 4. Global Perspective on Assistive Technology 5. Ethical Issues in Assistive Technology 6. Delivering Assistive Technology Services to the Client 7. User Input 8. Control Interfaces for Assistive Technologies 9. Input Accessibility for Mainstream Information and Communication Technologies 10. Enabling Function and Participation with Seating Technologies 11. Technologies that Enable Mobility 12. Technologies That Aid Transportation 13. Enabling Manipulation with Low-Technology Assistive Devices 14. Electronic Aids to Daily Living 15. Robotic Assistive Technologies that Aid Manipulation 16. Sensory Aids for Persons with Visual Impairments 17. Assistive Technologies for Cognitive Augmentation 18. Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems Glossary