Acknowledgements, Introduction: The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern ArchitecturePart One: Rethinking modernity 1. Towards a Purposeful Disequilibrium 2. A Fool’s Paradise: A Critical Evaluation of the Sources of Post-Modern Architecture 3. Interrogative Scholarship: Theorizing the Agenda for Post-Rational Architecture 4. Contingent Criticality Part Two: The Idea of Architecture 5. Architecture and the Idea of Agreement 6. The Space of Mr. Giedion 7. Architecture as Co-Making 8. Vaastu and the Enfolding Order Part Three: On Praxis 9. Le Corbusier: Polemical, Poetical and Existential 10. Analogues of Architecture 11. Romaldo Giurgola: The Reluctant Master 12. The Vienna Spring Bibliography, Illustration Credits, Index