ISBN-13: 9781119107231 / Angielski / Twarda / 2019 / 376 str.
ISBN-13: 9781119107231 / Angielski / Twarda / 2019 / 376 str.
Preface xiiiIntroduction xv1 Introduction 11.1 The Development of an Electronic Control Fuel Injection System 21.1.1 Position Type Electronic Control Fuel Injection System 31.1.2 Time Type Electronic Control Fuel Injection System 41.1.3 Pressure-Time Controlled (Common Rail) Type Electronic Control Fuel Injection System Medium-Pressure Common Rail System High-Pressure Common Rail System 61.2 High-Pressure Common Rail System: Present Situation and Development 71.2.1 For a Common Rail System Germany BOSCH Company of the High-Pressure Common Rail System The Delphi DCR System of the Company Denso High-Pressure Common Rail Injection System of the Company 101.2.2 High-Power Marine Diesel Common Rail System System Structure High-Pressure Oil Pump Accumulator Electronically Controlled Injector 132 Common Rail System Simulation and Overall Design Technology 152.1 Common Rail System Basic Model 152.1.1 The Common Rail System Required to Simulate a Typical Module HYDSIM Container Class Valves Runner Class Module Annular Gap Class Module Physical Model Shown in Figure 2.6 202.1.2 The Relevant Parameters During the Simulation Calculations Fuel Physical Parameters Fuel Flow Resistance Partial Loss of Fuel Flow Rigid Elastic Volume Expansion and Elastic Compression 222.2 Common Rail System Simulation Model 232.2.1 High-Pressure Pump Simulation Model 232.2.2 Injector Flow Restrictor Simulation Model 242.2.3 Simulation Model Electronic Fuel Injector 252.2.4 Overall Model Common Rail System 252.3 Influence Analysis of the High-Pressure Common Rail System Parameters 262.3.1 Influence Analysis of the High-Pressure Fuel Pump Structure Parameters Frequency of the Fuel Supply Pump Quantity of the Fuel Supply by the High-Pressure Supply Pump Diameter of the Oil Outlet Valve Hole of the High-Pressure Pump Influence of the Pre-tightening Force of the Oil Outlet Valve 312.3.2 Analysis of the Influence of the High-Pressure Rail Volume 332.3.3 Influence of the Injector Structure Parameters 342.3.3.1 Control Orifice Diameter 342.3.3.2 Influence of the Control Chamber Volume 362.3.3.3 Influence of the Control Piston Assembly on the Fuel Injector Response Characteristics 362.3.3.4 Influence of the Needle Valve Chamber Volume 382.3.3.5 Influence of the Pressure Chamber Volume 382.3.3.6 Influence of the Nozzle Orifice Diameter on the Response Characteristics of the Injector 392.3.4 Influence of the Flow Limiter 402.3.4.1 Influence of the Plunger Diameter 402.3.4.2 Influence of the Flow Limiter Orifice Diameter 412.3.5 Common Rail System Design Principle 423 Electronically Controlled Injector Design Technologies 433.1 Electric Control Fuel Injector Control Solenoid Valve Design Technology 433.1.1 Solenoid Valve 33 Mathematical Analysis Model 433.1.1.1 Circuit Subsystem 433.1.1.2 Magnetic Circuit Subsystem 463.1.1.3 Mechanical Circuit Subsystem 473.1.1.4 Hydraulic Subsystem 483.1.1.5 Thermodynamic Subsystem 483.1.1.6 Dynamic Characteristic Synthetic Mathematical Model of the Solenoid Valve 493.1.2 Solenoid Magnetic Field Finite Element Analysis 493.1.2.1 Model Establishment and Mesh Creation 503.1.2.2 Loading Analysis 513.1.2.3 Result Display After ANSYS 533.1.3 Solenoid Valve Response Characteristic Analysis 533.1.3.1 The Influence of Spring Pre-load on the Dynamic Response Time of the Solenoid Valve 573.1.3.2 The Influence of Spring Stiffness on the Dynamic Response Time of the Solenoid Valve 603.1.3.3 The Influence of Driving Voltage on the Dynamic Response Time of the Solenoid Valve 603.1.3.4 Influence of Capacitance on the Dynamic Response Time of the Solenoid Valve 623.1.3.5 Influence of Structure of the Iron Core on the Response Characteristics of the Solenoid Valve 633.1.3.6 Influence of Coil Structure Parameters on the Response Characteristics of the Solenoid Valve 673.1.3.7 The Influence of Working Air Gap (Electromagnetic Valve Lift) of the Solenoid Valve 683.1.3.8 Material Selection of the Electromagnetic Valve 693.1.4 What Should Be of Concern When Designing the Solenoid Valve 713.2 Nozzle Design Technology 723.2.1 Mathematical Model and Spray Model Analysis of the Nozzle Internal Flow Field 723.2.1.1 CFD Simulation of the Nozzle Flow Field 733. Description of the Computational Model 733.2.1.2 Determination of the Calculation Area and Establishment of the Calculation Model 783.2.1.3 Discrete Computational Model of the Finite Volume Method 813. Computational Mesh Generation 813. Definition of Boundary and Initial Conditions 823. Numerical Solution 833.2.1.4 Spray Model of the Nozzle 843. Hole Type Flow Nozzle Model 853. WAVE Model 863. KH-RT Model 883. Primary Breakup Model of Diesel Engine 893.2.2 Analysis of the Influence of Injection on the Electronically Controlled Injector 903.2.2.1 The Effect of Injector Orifices 913.2.2.2 The Influence of the Ratio of the Length to the Diameter of the Orifice 953.2.2.3 The Influence of the Round Angle at the Inlet of the Orifice 1013.2.2.4 The Influence of the Shape of the Needle Valve Head 1063.2.2.5 Effect of the Injection Angle 1103.2.2.6 The Influence of the Number of Orifices 1163.2.3 Simulation and Experimental Study of Spray 1193.2.3.1 Test Scheme 1193.2.3.2 Simulation Calculation of the Nozzle Flow Field 1193.2.3.3 Simulation and Test Verification of Spray 1234 High-Pressure Fuel Pump Design Technology 1274.1 Leakage Control Technique for the Plunger and Barrel Assembly 1274.1.1 Finite Element Analysis of the Fluid Physical Field in the Plunger and Barrel Assembly Gap 1304.1.1.1 Similarity Principle 1304.1.1.2 Similarity Criterion 1314.1.1.3 Dimensional Analysis and the Pion Theorem 1324.1.1.4 Similarity Model and Finite Element Analysis of the Clearance Flow Field 1334.1.2 Finite Element Analysis of the Plunger and Barrel Assembly Structure 1384.1.2.1 Three-dimensional Solid Finite Element Model 1384.1.2.2 Constraint Condition of Structure Field 1394.1.2.3 Structural Field Solution 1404.1.3 Structural Optimization of the Plunger and Barrel Assembly 1404.1.3.1 Analysis of the Preliminary Simulation Result 1404.1.3.2 Deformation Compensation Optimization Strategy 1444.1.3.3 ANSYS Optimization Analysis 1444.1.3.4 Evaluation of the Optimization Result 1474.1.4 Experimental Study on the Deformation Compensation Performance of the Plunger and Barrel Assembly 1484.1.4.1 Test for the Sealing Performance of the Plunger and Barrel Assembly 1484.1.4.2 Plunger and Barrel Assembly Deformation Test 1514.2 Strength Analysis of the Cam Transmission System for a High-pressure Fuel Pump 1544.2.1 Dynamic Simulation of the Cam Mechanism of a High-Pressure Pump 1554.2.1.1 Solid Modeling 1554.2.1.2 Rigid-Flexible Hybrid Modeling and Simulation of the Camshaft Mechanism 1564.2.2 Stress Analysis of the Cam and Roller Contact Surface 1584.2.2.1 Contact Stress Calculation Method 1594.2.2.2 Calculation of Contact Stress under the Combined Action of Normal and Tangential Loads 1624.2.2.3 Analysis of the CamWorking State 1644.2.3 Experimental Study on Stress and Strain of the High-Pressure Fuel Pump 1694.2.3.1 Test and Analysis of the Pressure of the Plunger Cavity 1694.2.3.2 Stress Test and Analysis of the Camshaft 1744.3 Research on Common Rail Pressure Control Technology Based on Pump Flow Control 1764.3.1 Design Study of a High-Pressure Pump Flow Control Device 1774.3.1.1 Overview of a High-Pressure Pump Flow Control Device 1774.3.1.2 Structure andWorking Principle of the High-Speed Solenoid Valve 1814.3.1.3 Simulation of the Static Characteristic of the Solenoid Valve 1834.3.1.4 Simulation of Dynamic Characteristics of the Solenoid Valve 1884.3.1.5 Design and Optimization of the One-Way Valve 1914.3.2 Conjoint Simulation Analysis of a Flow Control Device and the Common Rail System 1944.3.2.1 Simulation of the Flow Control Device 1944.3.3 Analysis of Simulation Results 1964.3.4 Experimental Study on the Regulation of Common Rail Pressure by the Flow Control Device 2004.3.4.1 Test Device 2004.3.4.2 Sealing Performance Test of the One-Way Valve 2014.3.4.3 Experimental Study on the Dynamic Response Characteristics of the Electromagnet 2024.3.4.4 Test of Pressure Control in the Common Rail Chamber 2044.3.4.5 Test Results 2054.3.4.6 Experimental Study of the Influence of the Duty Ratio of the Solenoid Valve on the Pressure Fluctuation of the Common Rail 2085 ECU Design Technique 2115.1 An Overview of Diesel Engine Electronically Controlled Technology 2115.1.1 The Development of ECU 2125.1.1.1 The Application of Control Theory in the Research of an Electronically Controlled Unit 2125. Adaptive Control and Robust Control 2125. Neural Network and Fuzzy Control 2135.1.1.2 Function Expansion of the Engine Management System 2135. Fault Diagnosis Function for an Electronically Controlled Engine 2145. Field Bus Technology 2145. Sensor Technology 2145.1.1.3 Development of Computer Hardware Technology 2155.1.2 Development of Electronically Controlled System Development Tools and Design Methods 2155.1.2.1 Application of Computer Simulation Technology 2155.1.2.2 Computer-Aided Control System Design Technology 2165.2 Overall Design of the Controller 2175.2.1 Controller Development Process 2175.2.2 Hierarchical Function Design and Technical Indicators of the Controller 2195.2.3 Input Signal 2215.2.3.1 Man-Machine Interactive Interface Input Signal 2225. Switching Signal 2225. Continuous Signal 2225.2.3.2 Sensor Input Signal 2225. Temperature Input Signal 2225. Pressure Input Signal 2235. Pulse Input Signal 2235.2.4 Output Signal 2235.2.4.1 Starting Motor Control Switch Signal 2255.2.4.2 Drive Signal of the Electronically Controlled Injector 2255. Time Precision Requirements 2255. Current Waveform Requirements 2265. Power Requirements 2265.2.4.3 The Driving Signal of the Solenoid Valve Controlled by the Common Rail Chamber Pressure 2275.3 Design of the Diesel Engine Control Strategy Based on the Finite State Machine 2285.3.1 Brief Introduction of the Finite State Machine 2285.3.1.1 Finite State Machine Definition 2285.3.1.2 State Transition Diagram 2295.3.2 Design of the Operation State Conversion Module 2295.3.3 Design of the Self-Inspection State Control Strategy 2325.3.4 Design of the Starting State Control Strategy 2325.3.5 Design of a State Control Strategy for Acceleration and Deceleration 2335.3.6 Design of a Stable Speed Control Strategy 2345.3.7 Principle of the Oil Supply Pulse 2345.4 Design of the ECU Hardware Circuit 2355.4.1 Selection of Core Controller Parts 2355.4.1.1 Characteristics of FPGA 2365.4.1.2 Selection of Core Auxiliary Devices 2375.4.2 Control Core Circuit Design 2385.4.2.1 FPGA Circuit Design 2385. Power Supply Design 2395. Configuration Circuit Design 2395. Logic Voltage Matching Circuit 2395.4.2.2 Circuit Design of SCM 2405.4.3 Design of the Sensor Signal Conditioning Circuit 2425.4.3.1 Design of the Signal Conditioning Circuit for the Temperature Sensor 2425.4.3.2 Design of the Signal Conditioning Circuit for the Pressure Sensor 2445.4.3.3 Design of the Pulse Signal Conditioning Circuit 2455.4.4 Design of the Power Drive Circuit 2485.4.4.1 Design of the Power Drive Circuit of the Pressure Controlled Solenoid Overflow Valve in the Common Rail Chamber 2485.4.4.2 Design of the Power Drive Circuit for the Solenoid Valve of the Injector 2495.5 Soft Core Development of the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) 2555.5.1 EDA Technology and VHDL Language 2565.5.1.1 Introduction of EDA Technology and VHDL Language 2565.5.1.2 Introduction of EDA Tools 2575.5.2 Module Division of the FPGA Internal Function 2585.5.3 Design of the Rotational Speed Measurement Module 2615.5.3.1 Measuring Principle 2615.5.3.2 Structure Design 2635.5.4 Design of the Control Pulse Generation Module for the Injector 2665.5.4.1 The Function, Input, and Output of the Injector Control Pulse Generation Module 2665. Shortening Timing Compensation Method 2685. Increasing the Advance Angle Compensation Method 2695.5.4.2 The Realization of the Control Pulse Generation Module of the Injector 2716 Research on Matching Technology 2736.1 Component Matching Technology of the Common Rail System 2736.1.1 Matching Design of the High-Pressure Fuel Pump 2736.1.2 Matching Design of the Rail Chamber 2746.1.3 Matching Design of the Injector 2746.1.3.1 Modeling and Verification of Diesel Engine Spray and the Combustion Simulation Model 2766.1.3.2 Optimal Parameters and Objective Functions 2786.1.3.3 Simulation Experiment Design (DOE) 2786.1.3.4 Establishment of an Approximate Model for the Response Surface 2806.2 Parameter Optimization and Result Analysis of the Injection System 2816.2.1 DoE Optimization 2816.2.2 Global Optimization Based on the Approximate Model 2826.2.3 Optimization Results Analysis 2836.3 Optimization Calibration Technology of the Jet Control MAP 2856.3.1 Summary 2856.3.2 Optimal Calibration Method 2856.3.3 Optimization of Target Analysis 2866.4 Off-line Steady-State Optimization Calibration of the Common Rail Diesel Engine 2866.4.1 Mathematical Model for Optimization of the Electric Control Parameters 2876.4.2 Experimental Design 2876.4.3 Establishment of the Performance Prediction Response Model 2886.4.4 Optimal Calibration 2896.4.5 Test Result 2917 Development of the Dual Pressure Common Rail System 2937.1 Structure Design and Simulation Modeling of the Dual Pressure Common Rail System 2957.1.1 Design of the Dual Pressure Common Rail System Supercharger 2957.1.2 Modeling of the Dual Pressure Common Rail System 2997.2 Simulation Study of the Dual Pressure Common Rail System 2997.2.1 Study of the Dynamic Characteristics of the System 2997.2.1.1 Simulation of the Dynamic Characteristics of the System 3007.2.1.2 Sensitivity Analysis of the Structural Parameters of the Supercharger 3037.2.1.3 Study on Pressure Oscillation Elimination of the Supercharger Chamber in the Dual Pressure Common Rail System 3087. Scheme I 3097. Scheme II 3117.2.2 Prototype Trial Production 3127.3 Control Strategy and Implementation of the Dual Pressure Common Rail System 3137.3.1 Control Strategy of the Dual Pressure Common Rail System 3147.3.2 Hardware and Software Design of the Controller Based on the Single Chip Microcomputer 3157.3.2.1 The Basic Composition of the Control System 3157.3.2.2 Performance of Control Chip and Its Circuit Design 3167. The Circuit Design of the Minimum System of the Single Chip Microcomputer 3167. Design of the Serial Communication Circuit 3167. Pulse Signal Conditioning Circuit 3187.3.2.3 Programming of Control System 3197.3.3 Drive Circuit Design 3197.3.3.1 Design Requirements of the Driving Circuit 3197.3.3.2 Design of the Power Drive Circuit 3217. Power Drive Circuit of the GMM Actuator 3217. Power Drive Circuit of the Solenoid Valve 3237.4 Experimental Study on the Dual Pressure Common Rail System 3257.4.1 Test of Pressurization Pressure and Injection Law 3257.4.1.1 Test Platform for Pressurization Pressure and Fuel Injection 3257.4.1.2 Simulation and Test 3287.4.1.3 Effect of the Turbocharging Ratio on Pressure and Fuel Injection Law 3297.4.1.4 Effect of the Control Time Series on Pressurization Pressure and Fuel Injection Law 3347.4.1.5 Test of System High-Pressure Oil Consumption 3347.4.2 Test on Spray Characteristics of the Dual Pressure Common Rail System 3367.4.2.1 Spray Photography Test Platform 3367.4.2.2 Effect of the Fuel Injection Law on Fuel Injection Quantity 3387.4.2.3 Effect of the Injection Rate Shape on Spray Penetration and the Spray Cone Angle 3387.4.3 Experimental Research Conclusions 340Index 343
Guangyao Ouyang is a Professor at the Naval University of Engineering, China. He has close to three decades of experience in the design and optimization of power machinery.Shijie An is an Associate Professor at the Naval University of Engineering, China.Zhenming Liu is a scholar at the Naval University of Engineering, China.Yuxue Li is an Associate Professor at the Naval University of Engineering, China.
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