1. Systems Analysis: Historical background 2. Techno-economic Analysis 3. Environmental Impacts 4. Environmental Risk Analysis 5. Resource Sustainability 6. Policy, Governance and Social Aspects 7. Resilience Thinking 8. General Logic-Based Method for Assessing the Greenness of Products and Systems
Part II: Applications and Case studies 9. Biofuels in US (Bioethanol first and second generation) 10. Solar and Wind Energy in India 11. Solar and Wind Energy in US 12. Biofuels, Biopolymers and Bioproducts in India 13. Solar and Wind Energy in Europe 14. Renewable Energy and Decentralized Fertilizer Production 15. Regional Strategy of Advanced Biofuels for Transportation in West Africa 16. Advanced Biofuels for Transportation in West Africa: Common Referential State-Based Strategies 17. Semantic Sustainability Characterization: A Case Study 18. Solid Biofuels 19. Potential Value-added Products from Wineries Residues