wyszukanych pozycji: 16
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Risk Management: Challenge and Opportunity
ISBN: 9783540226826 / Angielski / Twarda / 2004 / 838 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Dealing with all aspects of risk management that have undergone significant innovation in recent years, this book aims at being a reference work in its field. Different to other books on the topic, it addresses the challenges and opportunities facing the different risk management types in banks, insurance companies, and the corporate sector. Due to the rising volatility in the financial markets as well as political and operational risks affecting the business sector in general, capital adequacy rules are equally important for non-financial companies. For the banking sector, the book... Dealing with all aspects of risk management that have undergone significant innovation in recent years, this book aims at being a reference work in... |
395,91 zł |
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Equilibrium Exchange Rate Models, the Euro and the 2004 Expansion of the Eu
ISBN: 9783631567036 / Angielski / Miękka / 2007 / 204 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Since the launch of the euro in 1999, researchers, policy makers, and business analysts have put great interest in the evolution of the external value of the euro. In 2004 the European Monetary Union expanded its membership with the accession of ten countries from central and eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. As these countries are committed to adopt the euro as soon as they fulfill the Maastricht criteria, knowing their currencies equilibrium value is of great policy interest. This study addresses these questions by deriving equilibrium exchange rate paths for the euro and for the...
Since the launch of the euro in 1999, researchers, policy makers, and business analysts have put great interest in the evolution of the external value...
360,94 zł |
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The Behaviour of Interest Groups in Trade and Industry Towards Monetary Policy and Central Banks: Theory and Evidence on Germany and the Euro Area
ISBN: 9783631546154 / Angielski / Miękka / 2006 / 382 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. This study investigates the behaviour of private interest groups towards monetary policy and central banks. It explores the extent to which interest groups seek to influence monetary policy and their motivations for doing so or for refraining from doing so. Where evidence for interest group activity with respect to monetary decisions can be found, the study aims to identify the ways in which groups communicate with policymakers. The behaviour of interest groups in the area of monetary policymaking is investigated by means of an empirical case study of the relations between interest groups and...
This study investigates the behaviour of private interest groups towards monetary policy and central banks. It explores the extent to which interest g...
513,44 zł |
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Expectations in Financial Markets - A Survey Data Approach
ISBN: 9783631585603 / Angielski / Miękka / 2009 / 142 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Knowing how expectations are formed in the financial markets is crucial to understanding how financial markets work. Although the market price itself reflects to some extent expectations, market expectations cannot be observed directly. Nonetheless, different strategies remain to investigate expectations in financial markets in more detail. This book uses survey data which allow a detailed analysis of market s expectations since it provides information of expectations of individual economic agents. This book focuses on the two major financial markets in terms of trading volume, namely the...
Knowing how expectations are formed in the financial markets is crucial to understanding how financial markets work. Although the market price itself ...
186,99 zł |
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Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Markets: An Empirical Study of FDI Flows from Germany and Its Banking Sector
ISBN: 9783631533437 / Angielski / Miękka / 2005 / 189 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Emerging markets frequently feature strong economic growth but also unique risks political instability, legal uncertainty and corruption which constitute barriers to foreign direct investment (FDI). This study analyzes empirically whether superior investment profiles of recipient countries matter for German FDI in addition to typical determinants such as labor costs, level of income and market openness. The specifics of banking FDI are also examined, notably the impact of incipient banking crises abroad and the risk-mitigating property of multilateral development banks acting as stakeholders...
Emerging markets frequently feature strong economic growth but also unique risks political instability, legal uncertainty and corruption which constit...
360,94 zł |
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Monetary Policy, Interest Rate Rules, and the Term Structure of Interest Rates: Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Implications
ISBN: 9783631558942 / Angielski / Miękka / 2007 / 187 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Interest rate rules play an important role in the empirical analysis of monetary policy as well as in modern monetary theory. Besides giving a comprehensive insight into this line of research the study incorporates the term structure of interest rates into interest rate rules. This is performed analytically as well as empirically. In doing so, state of the art techniques of modern finance for the analysis of the term structure of interest rates are introduced into the macroeconomic concept of interest rate rules. The study implies that from the theoretical perspective term structure effects...
Interest rate rules play an important role in the empirical analysis of monetary policy as well as in modern monetary theory. Besides giving a compreh...
360,94 zł |
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Der Weg Der Mittel- Und Osteuropaeischen Laender in Die Europaeische Waehrungsunion: Aspekte Der Monetaeren Integration
ISBN: 9783631605110 / Niemiecki / Twarda / 2010 / 207 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Die funfte Erweiterungsrunde der Europaischen Union (EU) vom 1. Mai 2004 um zehn mittel- und osteuropaische Lander (MOEL) ist die umfangreichste in der Geschichte der EU in Bezug auf die Zahl der beigetretenen Staaten. Da fur diese Lander die Opting-Out-Klausel keine Relevanz hat, ist die EU-Mitgliedschaft mit einem spateren Beitritt in die Europaische Wahrungsunion (EWU) verbunden. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit stehen die okonomischen Probleme, die wahrend des monetaren Integrationsprozesses der MOEL der ersten Osterweiterungsrunde auftreten. Dabei wird ein besonderer Wert auf das Problem der...
Die funfte Erweiterungsrunde der Europaischen Union (EU) vom 1. Mai 2004 um zehn mittel- und osteuropaische Lander (MOEL) ist die umfangreichste in de...
402,57 zł |
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Information or Market Power: What Is Governing Dealers' Pricing Behaviour in Fx Markets?: An Investigation in the Spirit of the Microstructure Approac
ISBN: 9783631579282 / Angielski / Miękka / 2008 / 244 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. The microstructure approach provides valuable insights into high-frequent exchange rate dynamics. Recent studies, including this book, evidence the prominence of information asymmetries for asset pricing as well as order flow s important role during information aggregation processes via trading. However, results indicate that dealers quote prices in contrast to predictions of standard theory of asset pricing under asymmetric information. By analysing a unique data set of EUR/USD transactions at a German bank, this work investigates whether this pricing behaviour is due to dealers strategic...
The microstructure approach provides valuable insights into high-frequent exchange rate dynamics. Recent studies, including this book, evidence the pr...
388,53 zł |
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Essays on International Asset Management: Evidence for Developed West and Emerging East
ISBN: 9783631617946 / Angielski / Twarda / 2011 / 166 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Asset management is a global business, spreading from developed financial centers to emerging and transition markets. Empirical analyses of professional investors investment processes are justified not only by their key role in the traditional finance theory, as rational agents contributing to market efficiency, but also by the behavioral finance, finding evidence on irrational biases in their investment behavior. This study provides survey evidence on views and investment behavior of 772 fund managers from 274 investment companies in the USA, Germany, Thailand, Russia and Ukraine. New...
Asset management is a global business, spreading from developed financial centers to emerging and transition markets. Empirical analyses of profession...
298,11 zł |
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Order Flow Analyses and Foreign Exchange Dealing
ISBN: 9783631535714 / Angielski / Miękka / 2005 / 140 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 30 dni roboczych. Traditional exchange rate modeling is in crisis. Fundamentals cannot explain exchange rates. Models using solely macro variables are bound to fail empirically, since they do not capture what is happening on foreign exchange markets. The question about the inner life of these markets arises. Since the middle of the 1990s, there is now an empirically motivated approach to exchange rates, based on the analysis of order flows. Foreign exchange market microstructure addresses the trading process and corresponding aspects of foreign exchange dealing. Analyses of order flows have become a...
Traditional exchange rate modeling is in crisis. Fundamentals cannot explain exchange rates. Models using solely macro variables are bound to fail emp...
216,67 zł |
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The New Open Economy Macroeconomics of Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Foreign Direct Investment
ISBN: 9783631585672 / Angielski / Miękka / 2009 / 158 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 30 dni roboczych. Recent developments in international economics have resulted in a research agenda labelled as the -New Open Economy Macroeconomics- (NOEM). This book provides a description of the baseline model and discusses open questions in the literature. Two price setting assumptions can be distinguished, the producer currency price setting and the local currency price setting with crucial difference according to the transmission process. The study examines the presence of either price setting assumptions on an empirical basis, the analysis of German exporters and the reaction of import prices in...
Recent developments in international economics have resulted in a research agenda labelled as the -New Open Economy Macroeconomics- (NOEM). This book ...
272,67 zł |
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GATT Und Neue Welthandelsordnung: Globale Und Regionale Auswirkungen
ISBN: 9783322824264 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 2012 / 245 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Mit dem Abschluss der Uruguay-Runde im April 1994 wurde die bis dahin bestehende Welthandelsordnung GATT nach uber acht Jahren Verhandlungsdauer neu gestaltet. Dies war erforderlich geworden, nachdem in den 80er Jahren weltweit protektionistische Tendenzen aufgetreten waren und sich die Rahmenbedingungen des Welthandels grundlegend geandert hatten. Die Autoren dieses Bandes beleuchten die zu erwartenden globalen und regionalen Auswirkungen der Veranderungen des GATT-Regelwerks. Auf der Basis wirtschaftstheoretischer Uberlegungen werden neuere wirtschaftspolitische und quantitative...
Mit dem Abschluss der Uruguay-Runde im April 1994 wurde die bis dahin bestehende Welthandelsordnung GATT nach uber acht Jahren Verhandlungsdauer neu g...
203,48 zł |
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Stabile Weltfinanzen?: Die Debatte um eine neue internationale Finanzarchitektur
ISBN: 9783540669142 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 2000 / 133 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Die zahlreichen Finanz- und Wahrungskrisen der letzten Jahre haben zu einer Fulle an Reformvorschlagen fur das internationale Finanzsystem gefuhrt. In diesem Buch werden die wichtigsten Vorschlage verstandlich dargestellt, systematisiert und grundlich diskutiert. Werden eher Fragen der mikro- oder makrookonomischen Governance angegangen? Welche der konkurrierenden Ziele - nationale Autonomie, Stabilitat der Finanzmarkte oder freier Kapitalverkehr - stehen im Vordergrund? Wie ist eine mogliche Umsetzung einzuschatzen?
Das Buch bietet damit einen umfassenden Uberblick zur Debatte um eine... Die zahlreichen Finanz- und Wahrungskrisen der letzten Jahre haben zu einer Fulle an Reformvorschlagen fur das internationale Finanzsystem gefuhrt. In...
73,85 zł |
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The Economics of Cryptocurrencies
ISBN: 9780367191030 / Angielski / Twarda / 2020 / 108 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. |
684,09 zł |
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Sovereign Risk and Financial Crises
ISBN: 9783642060809 / Angielski / Miękka / 2010 / 258 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 16-18 dni roboczych. Sovereign risk and financial crises play a key role in current international economic developments, particularly in the case of economic downturns. As the Asian economic crisis in the late 1990s revealed once again, financial crises are the rule rather than the exception in capitalist economies. The event also revealed that international public debt agreements are contingent claims. In a world of increasing economic interdependencies, the issues of financial crises and country defaults are of critical importance. This volume goes to the heart of the academic discussion on sovereign risk... Sovereign risk and financial crises play a key role in current international economic developments, particularly in the case of economic downturns.... |
395,91 zł |
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Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung
ISBN: 9783800652990 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 2016 / 291 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. |
118,09 zł |