Dr. Dr. Lutz Peschke was graduated in chemistry (Ph.D 1996 at Heidelberg University) and media studies (Ph.D 2018 at Bonn University). He is Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication and Design at Bilkent University and teaches digital cultures and communication studies. Since more than 15 years, he produces and directs science festivals and scientific stage evens in Germany (e.g. IdeenExpo in Hanover and the annual science festival Highlights of Physics) and consults the Federal Ministry of Research and Education as well as the big German science societies like Max-Planck, Helmholtz and the German Physical Society in the subject of science communication. He is engaged in different Erasmus plus projects, e.g. "Let's science: Development and Implementation of Social - Science Training Program for Young Refugees" (2017-2019) and "POWER: Empowerment of Youth on Renewable Energy for Sustainable Societies" (since 2018).
Can Gürmeriç was born in Ankara, Turkey in 1994 and has been living in Ankara ever since. Gürmeriç has graduated from TED Ankara College High School in 2012 and studying Communication and Design in Bilkent University ever since. In 2017, Gürmeriç graduated with an education in media studies, video production and advertising. Gürmeriç is now getting his Master in Arts in Visual Studies in Bilkent University.