wyszukanych pozycji: 148
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Memoirs Of A Vagabond
ISBN: 9781482845754 / Angielski / Twarda / 2015 / 148 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. The present memoirs are memoirs in the true sense of the word. No diaries nor notes were consulted because none were kept. It is a tune played by ear using a Dictaphone and is dedicated to the memory of Rippan Kapur, founder of CRY (Child Relief and You), described by the Times Of India as 'The Man Who would be King'.
The present memoirs are memoirs in the true sense of the word. No diaries nor notes were consulted because none were kept. It is a tune played by ear ...
71,67 zł |
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Memoirs Of A Vagabond
ISBN: 9781482845747 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 148 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. The present memoirs are memoirs in the true sense of the word. No diaries nor notes were consulted because none were kept. It is a tune played by ear using a Dictaphone and is dedicated to the memory of Rippan Kapur, founder of CRY (Child Relief and You), described by the Times Of India as 'The Man Who would be King'.
The present memoirs are memoirs in the true sense of the word. No diaries nor notes were consulted because none were kept. It is a tune played by ear ...
38,42 zł |
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The Life of St. Francis
ISBN: 9780060576523 / Angielski / Miękka / 2009 / 165 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. A classic work of Christian literature commissioned by the Franciscan Order in the year 1250, The Life of St. Francis by St. Bonaventure--the Tuscan scholastic theologian and the greatest Franciscan mystic after St. Francis himself--is both a biography and an enlightening and inspiring spiritual treatise. A noteworthy addition to the HarperCollins Spiritual Classics series with a foreword by Donna Tartt, author of The Little Friend and The Secret History, this new edition of Bonaventure's The Life of St. Francis reflects profoundly on the life of the virtues which...
A classic work of Christian literature commissioned by the Franciscan Order in the year 1250, The Life of St. Francis by St. Bonaventure--the T...
64,53 zł |
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The Journey of the Mind to God
ISBN: 9780872202009 / Angielski / Miękka / 1993 / 96 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 12 dni roboczych. The Hackett edition of this classic of medieval philosophy and mysticism--a plan of pilgrimage for the learned Franciscan wishing to reach the apex of the mystical experience--combines the highly regarded Boehner translation with a new introduction by Stephen Brown focusing on St. Francis as a model of the contemplative life, the meaning of the Itinerarium, its place in Bonaventure s mystical theology, and the plan of the work. Boehner s Latin Notes, as well as Latin texts from other works of Bonaventure included in the Franciscan Institute Edition, are rendered here in English, making... The Hackett edition of this classic of medieval philosophy and mysticism--a plan of pilgrimage for the learned Franciscan wishing to reach the apex... |
76,32 zł |
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Histoire de Monstres
ISBN: 9782957204946 / Francuski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. |
40,87 zł |
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L'?nigme de l'enfant f?e: Polar, cosy mystery
ISBN: 9782322496020 / Francuski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. |
133,35 zł |
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The Mind's Road to God
ISBN: 9781497457553 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 78 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. Prologue 1. To begin with, the first principle from Whom all illumination descends as from the Father of Light, by Whom are given all the best and perfect gifts (James, 1:17), the eternal Father do I call upon through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, that by the intercession of the most holy Virgin Mary, mother of God Himself and of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and of the blessed Francis, our father and leader, He may enlighten the eyes of our mind to guide our feet into the way of that peace "which surpasses all understanding" (Eph., 1:17; Luke, 1:79; Phil., 4:7), which peace our Lord Jesus Christ...
Prologue 1. To begin with, the first principle from Whom all illumination descends as from the Father of Light, by Whom are given all the best and per...
28,20 zł |
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Religionen, Armut der Mitglieder und Auswirkungen auf die Kriminalität in Nigeria
ISBN: 9786207095612 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 56 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Fast alle Straftäter in Nigeria gehören der einen oder anderen religiösen Gruppe an, so dass die religiösen Gruppen entweder Verbrechen dulden oder die Verwundbarkeit schaffen, die zu Verbrechen führt. Das Buch ist eine Bewertung der wichtigsten religiösen Gruppen in Nigeria, in diesem Fall der christlichen und der muslimischen Religion, in Bezug auf das Ausmaß, in dem sie den Armen aus der Armut helfen oder sie weiter verarmen lassen und dadurch einen Anreiz und eine Anfälligkeit für Verbrechen schaffen, anstatt sie davon abzuhalten und sie nicht angreifbar zu machen. Daher lassen...
Fast alle Straftäter in Nigeria gehören der einen oder anderen religiösen Gruppe an, so dass die religiösen Gruppen entweder Verbrechen dulden ode...
108,16 zł |
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Meister des TEEO. Schriftliche und mündliche Ausdruckstechniken. Lizenz II
ISBN: 9786203663396 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 68 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Im Zusammenhang mit der Lösung der in der Arbeitswelt auftretenden Probleme erscheint es uns wichtig, ein Buch hervorzuheben, das in der Lage sein wird, die Erwartungen unserer Studenten und Administratoren in der Berufswelt zu erfüllen. Einige dieser Methoden stammen aus anderen Ländern oder anderen Zeiten, insbesondere die von dem Engländer Tony Buzan theoretisierten Arboreszenzen, die in Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten sehr verbreitete Methode der synoptischen Tabellen oder die aus dem alten Griechenland entlehnte Methode der mentalen Pfade. Wir haben uns jedoch dafür entschieden,...
Im Zusammenhang mit der Lösung der in der Arbeitswelt auftretenden Probleme erscheint es uns wichtig, ein Buch hervorzuheben, das in der Lage sein wi...
180,57 zł |
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Works of Bonaventure: Journey of the Mind To God - The Triple Way, or, Love Enkindled - The Tree of Life - The Mystical Vine - On the Perfec
ISBN: 9781953450135 / Angielski / Twarda / 2020 / 208 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. |
96,38 zł |
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The Life of St. Francis of Assisi
ISBN: 9781684223978 / Angielski / Miękka / 2019 / 192 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. |
51,24 zł |
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Symbolism, Synesthesia, and Semiotics, Multidisciplinary Approach
ISBN: 9781477155431 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 300 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. |
90,36 zł |
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The Psalter of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Large Print Edition
ISBN: 9781978164697 / Angielski / Miękka / 2017 / 190 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. |
68,89 zł |
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Commande des systemes par un correcteur PID d'ordre fractionnaire
ISBN: 9786139501991 / Francuski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. |
280,13 zł |
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The Enkindling Of Love: Also Called The Triple Way
ISBN: 9781466463059 / Angielski / Miękka / 2011 / 86 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. St. Alphonsus writes: "a single bad book will be sufficient to cause the destruction of a monastery." Pope Pius XII wrote in 1947 at the beatification of Blessed Maria Goretti: "There rises to Our lips the cry of the Saviour: 'Woe to the world because of scandals ' (Matthew 18:7). Woe to those who consciously and deliberately spread corruption-in novels, newspapers, magazines, theaters, films, in a world of immodesty " We at St. Pius X Press are calling for a crusade of good books. We want to restore 1,000 old Catholic books to the market. We ask for your assistance and prayers. This book is...
St. Alphonsus writes: "a single bad book will be sufficient to cause the destruction of a monastery." Pope Pius XII wrote in 1947 at the beatification...
31,65 zł |
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Religiões, pobreza dos membros e implicações para o crime na Nigéria
ISBN: 9786207095636 / Portugalski / Miękka / 52 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. |
108,16 zł |
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Works of Bonaventure: Journey of the Mind To God - The Triple Way, or, Love Enkindled - The Tree of Life - The Mystical Vine - On the Perfec
ISBN: 9781684220427 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 282 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. 2016 Reprint of 1960 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Volume one of the 1960 translation of Bonaventure, containing his most important treatises. As a theologian, Bonaventure based the revival of his order, the Franciscans, on his conception of the spiritual life, which he expounded in mystical treatises manifesting his Franciscan experience of contemplation as a perfection of the Christian life. His "Journey of the Mind to God" (1259) was a masterpiece showing the way by which man as a creature ought to love and contemplate... 2016 Reprint of 1960 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Volume one of the 1960 tran... |
85,60 zł |
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Untersuchung des Einflusses der audiovisuellen Qualität
ISBN: 9786206502906 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 308 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 10-14 dni roboczych. Die vorliegende Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Suche nach einer alternativen Methode zu den derzeitigen Methoden der Qualitätsprüfung für Multimedia-Anwendungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Betrachten und Hören von 2D- oder 3D-AV-Inhalten. Der vorgeschlagene Ansatz nähert sich der EOQ aus dem Blickwinkel der gemeinsamen Analyse von Augenindikatoren und physiologischen (elektrodermale Aktivität, Herzfrequenz, periphere Hauttemperatur, peripheres Blutvolumen) und okularen Indikatoren (PERCLOS, Dauer und Häufigkeit des Blinzelns, Anzahl der Sakkaden, Pupillendurchmesser). Physiologische und...
Die vorliegende Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Suche nach einer alternativen Methode zu den derzeitigen Methoden der Qualitätsprüfung für Multime...
415,89 zł |
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The Virtues Of A Religious Superior
ISBN: 9781453786598 / Angielski / Miękka / 2010 / 118 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 13-18 dni roboczych. There are very few books written to advise religious superiors how to conduct themselves. Saint Bonaventure answers this problem with one of the best books on the subject of directing religious towards sanctification, while taking care of the practical matters of a community. This book is also useful for Bishops and rectors of seminaries, indeed anyone who has an office in the Church, which includes the direction of souls. St. Alphonsus writes: "a single bad book will be sufficient to cause the destruction of a monastery." Pope Pius XII wrote in 1947 at the beatification of Blessed Maria...
There are very few books written to advise religious superiors how to conduct themselves. Saint Bonaventure answers this problem with one of the best ...
63,28 zł |
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Expositio Missae: The Mysteries of the Mass Explained
ISBN: 9781505132502 / Angielski / 07-01-2025 Książka dostępna od: 07-01-2025 |
Planowany termin premiery książki: 07-01-2025
Książkę można już zamówić z rabatem 5% |
81,60 zł |