Aging, Cognition, and Self-reports: Editors' Introduction, Norbert Schwarz, Denise Park, Bärbel Knäuper, and Seymour Sudman. Part A: Cognition and Survey Measurement. Self-reports of Behaviors and Opinions: Cognitive and Communicative Processes, Norbert Schwarz. Part B: Age-related Changes in Cognitive Functioning. Changes in Cognitive Resources, Denise Park. Memory, Aging and Survey Measurement, Fergus I.M. Craik. Aging, Circadian Arousal Patterns, and Cognition, Carolyn Yoon, Cynthia P. May, and Lynn Hasher. Metamemory as Social Cognition: Challenges for (and from) Survey Research, John C. Cavanaugh. Autobiographical Memory and Aging: Distributions of Memories Across the Lifespan and Their Implications for Survey Research, David C. Rubin. The Concept of "Gains" in Cognitive Aging, Roger A. Dixon. Pressing Issues in Cognitive Aging, Timothy A. Salthouse. Part C: Language Comprehension and Communication. Comprehending Spoken Questions: Effects of Cognitive and Sensory Change in Adult Aging, Arthur Wingfield. Aging and Message Production and Comprehension, Susan Kemper and Karen Kemtes. Intergenerational Communication: The Survey Interview as a Social Exchange, Sheree T. Kwong See and Ellen Bouchard Ryan. Part D: Surveying Older Respondents. Asking Survey Respondents About Health Status: Judgement and Response Issues, Susan Schechter, Paul Beatty and Gordon B. Willis. Cognitive Testing of Cognitive Functioning Questions, Diane O'Rourke, Seymour Sudman, Timothy Johnson and Jane Burris. Dynamics of Interviewing and the Quality of Survey Reports: Age Comparisons, Robert F. Belli, Paul S. Weiss and James M. Lepkowski. Cognitive Performance Measures in Survey Research, A. Regula Herzog and Willard L. Rodgers. Age Differences in Question and Response Order Effects, Bärbel Knäuper. Aging and Errors of Measurement: Implications for the Study of Life-Span Development, Duane F. Alwin.
Norbert Schwarz (Univ. of Michigan University of Georgia at Athens University), Professor of Psychology Denise Park, PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) (Edited by) , Barbel Knauper (Edited by) , Seymour Sudman (University of Illinois Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)