1.1 Thermodynamics and heat transfer1.2 Heat transfer and its applications1.3 Modes of heat transfer1.4 Conduction1.5 Convection1.6 Thermal radiation1.7 Combined modes of heat transfer1.8 Phase-change heat transfer
1.9 Concept of continuum
2.1 Introduction2.2 Three-dimensional conduction equation2.3 Steady state, one-dimensional conduction in a few commonly encountered systems2.4 Electrical analogy and thermal resistance2.5 Heat transfer in cylindrical coordinates2.6 Steady state conduction in a spherical shell2.7 Composite wall, cylinder and sphere2.8 One-dimensional steady state heat conduction with heat generation2.9 Fin heat transfer2.10 Analysis of fin heat transfer
3 CONDUCTION: ONE-DIMENSIONAL TRANSIENT AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL STEADY STATE3.1 Introduction3.2 Lumped capacitance method3.3 Semi-infinite approximation3.4 The method of separation of variables3.5 Analysis of two-dimensional, steady state systems
4 FUNDAMENTALS OF CONVECTION4.1 Introduction4.2 Fundamentals of convective heat transfer4.3 The heat transfer coefficient4.4 Governing equations4.5 Summary
5 FORCED CONVECTION5.1 Introduction5.2 Approximation using order of magnitude analysis5.3 Non-dimensionalization of the governing equations5.4 Approximate solution to the boundary layerequations5.5 Turbulent flow5.6 Internal flows
6 NATURAL CONVECTION6.1 Introduction6.2 Natural convection over a flat plate6.3 Boundary layer equations and non-dimensional numbers6.4 Empirical correlations for natural convection
7 HEAT EXCHANGERS7.1 Introduction7.2 Classification of heat exchangers7.3 Heat exchanger analysis7.4 The LMTD method7.5 The effectiveness-NTU method
7.6 Comparison between the LMTD and effectiveness-NTU methods7.7 Other considerations in the design of a heat exchanger
8 THERMAL RADIATION8.1 Introduction8.2 Concepts and definitions in radiation8.3 Black body and laws of black body radiation8.4 Properties of real surfaces8.5 Kirchhoff's law8.6 Net radiative heat transfer from a surface8.7 Radiation heat transfer between surfaces8.8 Radiation view factor and its determination8.9The radiosity-irradiation method8.10 Introduction to gas radiation8.11Equation of transfer or radiative transfer equation (RTE)
9 NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER9.1 Introduction9.2 Equations and their classification9.3 Three broad approaches to numerical methods9.4 Steady conduction9.5 Unsteady conduction9.6 Introduction to methods for convection9.7 Practical considerations in engineering problems
10 MACHINE LEARNING11.1 Introduction11.2 The Machine Learning Paradigm11.3 Artificial Neural Networks11.4 Convolutional Neural Networks11.5 Applications 11.6 Future possibilities in heat transfer
11 BOILING AND CONDENSATION11.1 Introduction11.2 Boiling11.3 Pool boiling11.4 Flow boiling
11.5 Condensation
11.6 Film condensation on a vertical plate
11.7 Film condensation on horizontal tubes
11.8 Two-phase pressure drop
12 INTRODUCTION TO CONVECTIVE MASS TRANSFER12.1 Introduction12.2 Fick's law of diffusion12.3 The convective mass transfer coefficient 12.4 The velocity, thermal, and concentration boundary layers
12.5 Analogy between momentum, heat transfer, and mass transfer
12.6 Convective mass transfer relations 12.7 A note on the convective heat and mass analogy