Chapter 1: Key Concepts and Assumptions Related To Effective Support For Students With Emotional And Behavioral Disorders
Services and Levels of Success for Students With EBD
Key Assumptions Underlying Effective Support for Students Experiencing EBD
Case Study
Chapter 2: Developing A Foundational Understanding of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Appreciate the Complex Nature of Behavior Associated With EBD
Develop Accurate Conceptualizations
Utilize a Developmental Perspective
Be Knowledgeable About Risk and Protective Factors
Recognize Key Skill Deficits and Unique Characteristics of Students With EBD
Use Methods and Practices That Facilitate Effective Supports
Understand and Utilize Mental Health Systems and Perspectives
Chapter 3: Creating Supportive Adult–Student and Peer Relationships
The Importance of Adult–Student Relationships in Supporting Students With EBD
Creating Supportive Peer Relationships in the Classroom
Developing Supportive Relationships With Caregivers
Chapter 4: Developing Behavior Standards and Increasing Students’ Motivation to Learn
Developing Clear and Effective General Classroom Behavior Standards and Procedures
Increasing Students’ Motivation to Learn and Enhancing Their Academic Success
Chapter 5: Responding Effectively to Disruptive Behavior
Methods for Responding Effectively to Disruptive or Defiant Behavior
Responding to Violent Student Behavior
Creating an Effective Classroom Discipline Procedure
Incorporating Social Problem Solving Into the Classroom and School Discipline System
Disciplinary Exclusion for Students Identified as EBD
Chapter 6: Developing Individualized Behavior Support Plans: Planning for Student Success
Understanding the Behavior Support Plan Process
Components of the BSP Process
Implementing the BSP Across a Continuum of Services
Increasing the Effectiveness of the BSP
Chapter 7: Social-Emotional Learning Methods for Supporting Student Success
Understanding Social-Emotional Learning
Methods and Strategies for Developing Self-Regulation
Facilitating Self-Awareness and Understanding School Behavior Skills: Learning and Demonstrating Behaviors That Are Adaptive and Socially Acceptable in a School Setting
Using Systematic Desensitization and Cognitive Restructuring to Assist Students in Adjusting to Stressful Situations
Chapter 8: Developing an Effective Program for Students Identified as EBD
Components of an Effective Specialized Program for Students Identified as EBD