Fabio Mora teaches History of Religions at the University of Messina, is the editor of the peer-reviewed Journal for history of religions Polifemo (ISSN 1825-3113), of the Annual bibliography for history of religions Eutifrone (ISSN 1972-6163) and of the book series Quaderni di Polifemo (ISSN 1825-3105) and Quaderni di Eutifrone (ISSN 2239-7787). Among his publications: Usi della Bibbia VI: Lezionari anglicani 1549-1949, Messina 2013 Usi della Bibbia V: Die taglichen Losungen dei fratelli moravi, Messina 2012 Usi della Bibbia: la Bibellese der Oekumenischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Messina 2011 Os...