P. M. S. Hacker is Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford. He is author of "Insight and Iffusion "(1972, revised ed. 1986), "Appearance and Reality" (Blackwell, 1987) and "Wittgenstein: Meaning and Mind" (Blackwell, 1990). He edited "The Renaissance of Gravure: The Art of S. W. Hayter" (1988), "Graure and Grace: the Engravings of Roger Vieillard" (1993) and co-edited a Festschrift for H. L. A. Hart together with J. Raz. "Law, Morality and Society" (1977). He has written five books with G. P. Baker, "Wittgenstein: Understanding and Meaning" (Blackwell, 1980), "Wittgenstein: Rules, Grammar and Nec...