Introduction xiiiThe Daring1 Don't Wait for Confidence: Begin before you feel ready 32 Doubt Your Doubts: Stop letting fear call the shots 193 Dial Up Your Daring: Be bold in the vision for your life 37The Growing4 Embrace Your Fallibility: Get off your own back and forgive your failings! 575 Strengthen Your Wings: Expand your capacity to soar 776 Use Your Gifts: Trust your talents and play to your strengths 917 Dear Women: Stop selling yourself short and talking yourself down 1078 Dear Men: Your greatest strength is found in vulnerability 123The Becoming9 Choose Faith Over Fear: A greater force has your back 13910 Find Your Uplift: Connect to people who help you rise 15311 Surrender Resistance: Embrace the struggle and transform yourself 17112 Own Your Power: Lead the change you want to see 189Acknowledgements 205Index 209
MARGIE WARRELL has walked the path of courage many times since her childhood in rural Australia to become a leading authority in human potential. Drawing on her global background in psychology, coaching and business and her diverse experiences raising four children around the world, her clients include Google, Deloitte and Salesforce. More at