EDWARD G. BROWNE (in Persian dress) Frontispiece A MEMOIR by SIR E. DENISON ROSS Chapter I Introductory II From England to the Persian Frontier III From the Persian Frontier to Tabrlz IV From Tabrlz to Teherdn V Teherdn VI Mysticism, Metapl!Jsic, and Magic VII From Teherdn to Igahdn VIII Igahdn IX From Igahdn to Shfrdz X Shfrdz XI Shfrdz (continued) XII From Shfrdz to Yezd XIII Yezd XIV Yezd (continued) XV From Yezd to Kirmdn XVI Kirmdn Society XVII Amongst the Kalandars XVIII From Kirmdn to England
EDWARD GRANVILLE BROWNE was educated at the University of Cambridge where he later taught and was instrumental in promoting oriental studies.