1. The Mangrove Ecosystem 2. Global Status of Coral Reefs: In Combination, Disturbances and Stressors Become Ratchets 3. Status and Trends for the World's Kelp Forests 4. Salt Marshes: Their Role in Our Society and Threats Posed to Their Existence 5. Remote Sensing for Marine Management 6. New Advances in Benthic Monitoring Technology and Methodology 7. Seabirds 8. Blooms of the Moon Jellyfish Aurelia: Causes, Consequences and Controls 9. European Protection of Fisheries in the North East Atlantic 10. Ghost Fishing 11. Far-Field and Near-Field Effects of Marine Aquaculture 12. The Making of a Global Marine Fisheries Catch Database for Policy Development 13. Ballast Water: Problems and Management 14. Debris in Deep Water 15. Polychlorinated Biphenyls in the Global Ocean 16. Microbial Remediation of Organic Pollutants 17. The Threats from Macroplastic Pollution on Marine Environment: An Analytical Overview 18. Marine Pollution by Microplastics: Environmental Contamination, Biological Effects, and Research Challenges 19. International Instruments for the Prevention of Marine Alien Invasive Species 20. Underwater Noise: Sources and Effects on Marine Life 21. Marine Oil Spills - Oil Pollution, Sources and Effects 22. Marine Oil Spills - Preparedness and Countermeasures 23. Threats to Seamount Ecosystems and Their Management 24. Dead Zones: Oxygen Depletion in Coastal Ecosystems 25. Marine Protected Areas: Attempting the Sustainability of the Seas 26. Shoreline Defenses 27. Environmental Effects of Marine Transportation 28. Collisions of Vessels with Cetaceans - The Underestimated Threat 29. Marine Protected Areas 30. Marine Spatial Planning 31. The Role of Ports in a Global Economy, Issues of Relevance and Environmental Initiatives 32. Molecular Approaches for an Operational Marine Biodiversity Observation Network
Professor Charles Sheppard holds a half-time position of Professor in the School of Life Sciences at The University of Warwick, UK. The remainder of his time he works for a range of UN , Governmental and aid agencies in tropical marine and coastal development issues. He advises several governments on marine and coastal management and science, including the UK Government on its tropical Overseas Territories. He has organised and led the scientific input to the 2010 creation of the world's largest fully protected marine researce, in the Chagos archipelago, Indian Ocean, where a lot of his research has been focussed. The other main geographical area of research is the Arabian region. PhD University of Durham 1976.