List of Illustrations
Notes on Contributors
Introduction: Keywords: "World History," "Below," and "Dissent and Disruption", Antoinette Burton and Tony Ballantyne
1. Modern Political Revolutions: Connecting Grassroots Political Dissent and Global Historical Transformations, M.J. Maynes and Ann Waltner
2. International and Global Anti-Colonial Movements, Heather Streets-Salter
3. Insurgent Citizenship: Armed Rebellions and Everyday Acts of Resistance in the Global South, Eileen M. Ford
4. Indigeneity, Movement, and Disrupting the Global Nineteenth Century, T. J. Tallie
5. Body Politics, Sexualities, and the "Modern Family" in Global History, Durba Ghosh
6. The Persistence of the Gods: Religion in the Modern World, Tony Ballantyne
7. Global Mobilities, Clare Anderson
8. The Anthropocene from Below, Nancy J. Jacobs,Danielle Johnstone and Christopher Kelly
9. The Anthropocene’s “Belows”: Nature and Power in Global History, Robert Rouphail