Trends in Child Development and the Family: Invited Address to the Chief Justices of the United States, Parent Work in Analysis: Children, Adolescents, and Adults. Part Three: Middle and Predetermination Phases, Parent Work in Analysis: Children, Adolescents, and Adults. Part Four: Termination and Post-Termination Phases, Locating the Metaphor and Sensing the Poetic: Psychotherapy With Children in States of Nonexperiencing, Introduction to Neil Altman/Toni Heineman Presentations, Geraldine: on the Way Out of Foster Care, Not for Love or Money: A Discussion of a Case Presentation by Neil Altman, Beyond Love and Money: Response to Discussion, Afterword: Response to Neil Altman, Interactive Movement Patterns as Ports of Entry in Infant—Parent Psychotherapy: Ways of Seeing Nonverbal Behavior, Book Review: Clinical and Observational Psychoanalytic Research: Roots of a Controversy, by André Green and Daniel Stern, Information for Authors