ISBN-13: 9780802076670 / Angielski / Miękka / 2002 / 512 str.
Have Canadian women gained from their pursuit of legal remedies to social, political, economic, and cultural inequalities? Is law a fruitful avenue for such struggles? Using liberal feminist, postmodern, critical, race, and queer theory, these essays confront the anti-rights critiques of the legal Left regarding the use of law in general and the Charter in particular. Several chapters explicitly examine the strategic limits and possibilities of the substantive equality rights approaches pursued by LEAF (The Women's Legal Education and Action Fund). Others focus on legal strategies mobilized in discreet areas of law and public policy by foreign domestic workers and racialized women, lesbians, women seeking reproductive freedom, women in the childcare movement, and anti-violence advocates. Recognizing the diversity of women across class, citizenship, race and ethnicity, sexual identity, culture, and (dis)ability, this collection evaluates the efficacy of the wide range of legal and political strategies women have employed, particularly in this post-Charter era. Women's Legal Strategies in Canada is the most comprehensive account of these important issues and will surely become the standard work in the field.