ISBN-13: 9781514161494 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 234 str.
Throughout the writing of this God Book Series, God along with many others of Divinity seek to further broaden the receptivity of everyone's minds by informing people of previously unknown information that is relevant to everyone's evolution. Even though many truths and facts of life are not remembered when a person is incarnate, all information is well-known to discarnate Souls. So it was decided that NOW is the time for incarnate Souls to relearn or to remember more of the truth that has previously been veiled about life. In this current book, Winter People who Ride the Wind, God presents more revelations that some people would consider to be startling yet somehow familiar. With an amazing twist during the writings, the presentations of the messages are gifted to the readers by not only God who is the Luminescent of this Universe, but by all other Luminescents of all other Universes as well. With outstanding momentum of a progressive movement They state with one voice that They have been joyfully anticipating participating in this book; it is part of Their own pre-birth agreements with all of us. You can definitely feel the interchanges of Their combined energies throughout the book. This book requires slow reading; be prepared that you will need to read it more than one time. God stated that the last three books of this Series are the ones He says are the most important ones: Advocates for Justice, Winter People who Ride the Wind and the final installment which is Avatars in the Valley of the Ancients. We ourselves ask that you read to understand and understand what you read. Journey Well Celest and David Sagas (chapter titles) Wind Song Reflections of Life Winter People Speak Weak Links If you could see you NOW Evil wears many Masks Psyche Warriors The Crystal Ball Effect I Want to Believe, I Want to Believe An Explanation When the Message is LOST The Rising of Humanity Jesus and Chako speak on All God's Children God replies to Jesus and Chako God and Maria speak on the Winter People God's closing message A closing message from the other Luminescents Celest and David "Living a Life without Regrets" God - Although these books were destined to be written by Celestial and David, it required many millennia for Me to properly format the sequential steps that had to be taken in order for each of these books to come into materialization. Because it is still so difficult for most of you to clearly understand that "organized chaos" exists as a wondrous method of preventing "random" happenings, you may also have difficulty understanding that it is also the incredible flow of beauty that organized chaos projects and infuses all life forms off-world with, that contribute to the continuity of the Creation Processing. I, as well as all the other Luminescents, have waited a very long time to be able to communicate with you who are Our Children, you who have gathered here on Earth from every Universe, every Galaxy that has ever been. You are in the final stages of the unveiling of illusions which were intentionally designed to separate you from your home worlds, from your Spirit Guides and other mentors. All of Our conjoined technological information although freely shared within all multiverses, must always complement and reflect all of the contiguous fields of upcoming breakthroughs that will directly affect all of Our lifeforms on all worlds. This is part of the flowing motion of organized chaos which We all live in. None of Our worlds ever enter into a stasis mode; that is simply impossible This is but one reason why all Advocates, and yes this does include ALL Winter People, are never truly satisfied with living a well-deserved life UNLESS they KNOW they are still Co-Creating, regardless of what their individual or collective destinies are. Does this help you now to better understand why oftentimes you feel restless, a bit antsy or frustrated at times, or when you relive an ancient feeling that you are not doing enough?