Foreword viiQuantitative Methods (QM)Learning Module 1: The Time Value of Money 3Learning Module 2: Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data 5Learning Module 3: Probability Concepts 9Learning Module 4: Common Probability Distributions 15Learning Module 5: Sampling and Estimation 20Learning Module 6: Hypothesis Testing 25Learning Module 7: Introduction to Linear Regression 31Economics (EC)Learning Module 1: Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis 41Learning Module 2: The Firm and Market Structure 51Learning Module 3: Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth 57Learning Module 4: Understanding Business Cycles 66Learning Module 5: Monetary and Fiscal Policy 78Learning Module 6: Introduction to Geopolitics 86Learning Module 7: International Trade and Capital Flows 88Learning Module 8: Currency Exchange Rates 97Financial Statement Analysis (FSA)Financial Statement Analysis (Curriculum Book 2)Learning Module 1: Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis 109Learning Module 2: Financial Reporting Standards 111Financial Statement Analysis (Curriculum Book 3)Learning Module 1: Understanding Income Statements 117Learning Module 2: Understanding Balance Sheets 123Learning Module 3: Understanding Cash Flow Statements 126Learning Module 4: Financial Analysis Techniques 130Learning Module 5: Inventories 137Learning Module 6: Long-Lived Assets 145Learning Module 7: Income Taxes 159Learning Module 8: Non-Current (Long-Term) Liabilities 163Learning Module 9: Financial Reporting Quality 172Learning Module 10: Applications of Financial Statement Analysis 178Corporate Issuers (CI)Corporate Issuers (Curriculum Book 3)Learning Module 1: Corporate Structure and Ownership 183Learning Module 2: Introduction to Corporate Governance and Other ESG Considerations 186Learning Module 3: Business Models and Risks 190Learning Module 4: Capital Investments 194Learning Module 5: Working Capital and Liquidity 197Corporate Issuers (Curriculum Book 4)Learning Module 1: Cost of Capital - Foundational Topics 203Learning Module 2: Capital Structure 205Learning Module 3: Measures of Leverage 210Equity Investments (EQ)Learning Module 1: Market Organization and Structure 217Learning Module 2: Security Market Indexes 227Learning Module 3: Market Efficiency 232Learning Module 4: Overview of Equity Securities 238Learning Module 5: Introduction to Industry and Company Analysis 244Learning Module 6: Equity Valuation: Concepts and Basic Tools 250Fixed Income (FI)Fixed Income (Curriculum Book 4)Learning Module 1: Fixed Income Securities: Defining Elements 259Learning Module 2: Fixed-Income Markets: Issuance, Trading, and Funding 268Learning Module 3: Introduction to Fixed Income Valuation 275Learning Module 4: Introduction to Asset-Backed Securities 282Fixed Income (Curriculum Book 5)Learning Module 1: Understanding Fixed-Income Risk and Return 293Learning Module 2: Fundamentals of Credit Analysis 301Derivatives (DR)Learning Module 1: Derivative Markets and Instruments 311Learning Module 2: Forward Commitment and Contingent Claim Features and Instruments 312Learning Module 3: Derivative Benefits, Risks, and Issuer and Investor Uses 313Learning Module 4: Arbitrage, Replication, and the Cost of Carry in Pricing Derivatives 314Learning Module 5: Pricing and Valuation of Forward Contracts and for an Underlying with Varying Maturities 316Learning Module 6: Pricing and Valuation of Futures Contracts 318Learning Module 7: Pricing and Valuation of Interest Rates and Other Swaps 319Learning Module 8: Pricing and Valuation of Options 321Learning Module 9: Option Replication Using Put-Call Parity 324Learning Module 10: Binomial Option Pricing 326Alternative Investments (AI)Learning Module 1: Categories, Characteristics, and Compensation Structures of Alternative Investments 331Learning Module 2: Performance Calculation and Appraisal of Alternative Investments 333Learning Module 3: Private Capital, Real Estate, Infrastructure, Natural Resources, and Hedge Funds 335Portfolio Management (PM)Portfolio Management (Curriculum Book 5)Learning Module 1: Portfolio Management: An Overview 345Learning Module 2: Portfolio Risk and Return: Part I 349Learning Module 3: Portfolio Risk and Return: Part II 357Portfolio Management (Curriculum Book 6)Learning Module 1: Basics of Portfolio Planning and Construction 367Learning Module 2: The Behavioral Biases of Individuals 371Learning Module 3: Introduction to Risk Management 378Learning Module 4: Technical Analysis 383Learning Module 5: Fintech in Investment Management 395Ethical and Professional Standards (ET)Learning Module 1: Ethics and Trust in the Investment Profession 399Learning Module 2: Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct 400Learning Module 3: Guidance for Standards I-VII 400Learning Module 4: Introduction to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) 403Learning Module 5: Ethics Application 405
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