Part 2: The Importance of Wildlife in the Economies of African States2. Utilization of Forest Wildlife in West Africa3. A Comparison of Carcass Composition and Nutritive Value Of Some West African Forest Mammals and Domestic Animals4. Animal Products in Traditional Medicine5. Utilization of Tropical Forests and the Future of Wildlife Conservation in West Africa6. State of Knowledge on Tropical Forest Mammals and Priorities for Research7. Wildlife Utilization in East and Southern Africa
Part 3: Problems and Strategies of Conservation of Wildlife in Africa8. Problems of Protected (Conservation) Area Management in Africa9. Principles for the Management of Protected Areas10. Categories of Conservation Areas11. Strategies for Reconciling the Primary Objectives of Conservation of Biodiversity with Rural Development12. Local Community Participation in Wildlife Conservation in Southern Africa13. Suggested Action Plan for Rehabilitation of Wildlife in Africa: The Case of Nigeria14. Migratory Birds of Africa15. In-Situ Conservation of Wildlife in West Africa16. Ex-Situ Conservation of Wildlife: Domestication of the African Giant Rat (Cricetomys Gambianus Waterhouse)17. Ex-Situ Conservation of Wildlife
Part 4: Curriculum Development and Evolution Capacity Building for Protected Area Management in Africa18. Curriculum Development and Evolution of Capacity Building for Protected Area Management In Africa: The Experience Of University Of Ibadan, Nigeria19. Utilization of Biodiversity for Entrepreneurship and Job Creation20. Model Academic Programmes in Wildlife and Fisheries Management
Dr S.S. Ajayi joined the University of Ibadan as an assistant Training Fellow in Wildlife and Range Management at the Department of Forestry in 1968. He moved up the academic ladder after his doctoral training, and in 1980, Dr Ajayi became a Professor of Wildlife Conservation at the University of Ibadan. He created the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Management with separate degree program in Wildlife and Fisheries Management and became the Pioneer Head of the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Management at the University of Ibadan from 1981 to 1988. He was also the Pioneer Dean for the College of Environmental Resources Management at the University of Agriculture in Abeokuta. Dr Ajayi was team leader of an expert group, which produced the Action Plan for Conservation of renewable natural resources in Nigeria. He was also project leader at the National Science and Technology Development Agency of a research project on studies dealing with the domestication and control of wildlife species and their importance in food production and public health. He was Chairman of the Publicity Sub-Committee of the National Wildlife Conservation Committee and Chairman of the Committee of Wildlife Specialists on the Development of Lake Kainji National Park. Dr Ajayi is the first Emeritus Professor of Wildlife Ecology in Africa, and also holds the title of United Nations Scholar in Wildlife Conservation and Management. His work has emphasized the need to bring the rural population into development policy process by incorporating them into wildlife management institutions and mechanisms, so that they can derive a sense of ownership and thus develop a collective interest in wildlife conservation and environmental sustainability.