Introduction. W[h]ither the west? The divided west and the shifting grounds of international law Chiara Giorgetti and Guglielmo Verdirame; Part I. The Idea of International Law in the Divided West: 1. International lawyers and legal forms transatlantic denials Jean d'Aspremont; 2. Are we (Americans) all international legal realists now? Harlan Cohen; 3. Are liberal internationalists still liberal? Guglielmo Verdirame; 4. The new, new sovereigntism or how the European union became disenchanted with international law and defiantly protective of its domestic legal order Mark A. Pollack; Part II. Specific Areas in International Law: Whither the West?: 5. Authority and dialogue state and official immunity in domestic and international courts Chime`ne Keitner; 6. Treaty conditions and constitutions walls, windows, or doors Edward T. Swaine; 7. International courts and tribunals in the USA and in Europe the increasingly divided west Chiara Giorgetti; 8. Unravelling a paradox of shared responsibility the disconnection between substantive and adjudicate law Andre Nollkaemper; 9. Divergent views on the content and relevance of the jus ad Bellum in Europe and the United States? The case of the US-Led military coalition against 'Islamic state' Tom Ruys and Luca Ferro.