ISBN-13: 9781475993004 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 68 str.
What The Scriptures Say About Tithing will review every passage of scripture (17 of them) that speaks about tithe. After each of the 17 passages of scripture, 15 questions will be asked in order to help give you a clear understanding of the precept of tithe. The first 6 questions are: who was commanded to tithe?; what was (were) the person (people) commanded to tithe?; whom was the tithe for?; why was (were) the person (people) to receive tithes?; what was (were) the person (people) supposed to do with the tithe?; what was (would have been) the result of the person (people) being obedient and tithing? The last 9 questions are: did Jesus tithe?; did Jesus' disciples / apostles tithe?; did Jesus give His disciples / apostles a commandment to tithe?; did Jesus' disciples / apostles instruct the Jews, Gentiles, or the church to tithe?; did Jesus receive tithes?; did Jesus' disciples / apostles receive tithes?; did Jesus command His disciples / apostles to receive tithes?; did Jesus' disciples / apostles instruct anyone to receive tithes?; did the tithes have anything to do with the giving or receiving of money? When you reach the end of this book, you will have a clear understanding of the precept of tithe.