'The text has many exercises and sixteen (!) appendices from which one can learn quite a bit. This shows the dedication of the author to the subject and his wish to share his knowledge with others. The book hits the point between mathematics and physics where the first is not too abstract and the second not too phenomenological … In short, the book is exceptional and might set standards.' Marek Nowakowski, MathSciNet
Introduction; Part I. Basics: 1. Preliminaries; 2. Basics of non-relativistic quantum mechanics; 3. Non-relativistic quantum fields; 4. The Lorentz group and the Poincaré group; 5. The massive scalar free field; 6. Quantization; 7. The Casimir effect; Part II. Spin: 8. Representations of the orthogonal and the Lorentz group; 9. Representations of the Poincaré group; 10. Basic free fields; Part III. Interactions: 11. Perturbation theory; 12. Scattering, the scattering matrix and cross sections; 13. The scattering matrix in perturbation theory; 14. Interacting quantum fields; Part IV. Renormalization: 15. Prologue – power counting; 16. The Bogoliubov-Parasiuk-Hepp-Zimmermann scheme; 17. Counter-terms; 18. Controlling singularities; 19. Proof of convergence of the BPHZ scheme.