ISBN-13: 9783775742092 / Angielski / Twarda / 2017 / 192 str.
Among the great Danish designers, Finn Juhl (1912-89) ranks alongside such giants as Hans J. Wegner and Arne Jacobsen. He was particularly well known for his sculptural, seemingly organic tables, chairs and sofas, but the complex interior designs that he developed in the 1940s and '50s were also enormously successful. These include the Danish Embassy in Washington, DC, and the conference room of the United Nations Trusteeship Council in New York.
However, it is not widely known that Finn Juhl was also a talented watercolor painter who used the medium to devise gorgeous, exacting sketches of his pieces. For the first time, this publication allows readers to take a unique look at the designer's working methods. Here, more than 125 subtle works on paper communicate the ingenuity of their creator. Finn Juhl's furniture classics, living concepts and interior designs can finally be experienced in all their complexity, as one traces their development from genesis to realization.
In der Reihe der großen dänischen Designer wird Finn Juhl (1912-1989) in einem Atemzug mit Hans J. Wegner und Arne Jacobsen genannt. Besonders bekannt machten ihn seine skulpturalen, organisch anmutenden Tische, Stühle und Sofas. Aber auch mit seinen komplexen Innenausstattungen, die er in den 1940er- und 1950er-Jahren entwickelte, feierte er große Erfolge. Dazu zählen die Dänische Botschaft in Washington, D. C. oder der Sitzungsraum des Treuhandrats der Vereinten Nationen im New Yorker UN-Gebäude.Dass Finn Juhl ein begnadeter Aquarellist war, ist bisher nur Eingeweihten bekannt. Die Publikation eröffnet ihren Lesern nun erstmals einen einzigartigen Blick auf die Arbeitsweise des Designers. Mehr als 125 feinsinnige Papierarbeiten vermitteln die Genialität ihres Schöpfers: Endlich werden Finn Juhls Möbelklassiker, Wohnkonzepte und Inneneinrichtungen in ihrer ganzen Komplexität erfahrbar, da man ihre Entstehung von Beginn an nachverfolgen kann. In the rank of great Danish designers, Finn Juhl (1912-1989) is mentioned in the same breath with Hans J. Wegner and Arne Jacobsen. He became particularly well known for his sculptural, seemingly organic tables, chairs, and sofas. However, the complex interior designs he developed in the forties and fifties were also enormously successful. These include the Danish Embassy in Washington, D. C., or the conference room of the United Nations Trusteeship Council in New York. Only adepts were previously aware of the fact that Finn Juhl was also a talented watercolor painter. For the first time, this publication allows readers to take a unique look at the designer's working method. More than 125 subtle works on paper communicate the ingenuity of their creator: Finn Juhl's furniture classics, living concepts, and interior designs can finally be experienced in all their complexity, as one can trace their development from the beginning onwards.