1. The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: its transition into a transformative approach 2. Some quantitative watereenergyefood nexus analysis approaches and their data requirements 3. EO-WEF: a water, energy, and food nexus geotool for spatial data visualization and generation 4. Scales of application of the WEF nexus approach 5. Tools and indices for WEF nexus analysis 6. Transboundary WEF nexus analysis: a case study of the Songwe River Basin 7. Applying the WEF nexus at a local level: a focus on catchment level 8. A regional approach to implementing the WEF nexus: a case study of the Southern African development community 9. Exploring the contribution of Tugwi-Mukosi Dam toward water, energy, and food security 10. The watereenergyefood nexus as an approach for achieving sustainable development goals 2 (food), 6 (water), and 7 (energy) 11. Enhancing sustainable human and environmental health through nexus planning 12. Financing WEF nexus projects: perspectives from interdisciplinary and multidimensional research challenges 13. The WatereEnergyeFood nexus as a rallying point for sustainable development: emerging lessons from South and Southeast Asia 14. The watereenergyefood nexus: an ecosystems and anthropocentric perspective . 15. Watereenergyefood nexus approaches to facilitate smallholder agricultural technology adoption 16. Building capacity for upscaling the WEF nexus and guiding transformational change in Africa 17. WEF nexus narratives: toward sustainable resource security