Chapter I What Is Voluntary Social Service?, Henry A.Mess; Chapter II The Position of Voluntary Social Services in 1918, NoraMilnes; Chapter III VOluntary Social Services in Urban Areas, HildaJennings; Chapter IV Social service with the unemployed, Henry A. Mess; Chapter V VOluntary Case–Work Societies, HildaJennings; Chapter VI Community Centres and Community associations, Henry A.Mess, HaroldKing; Chapter VII The National Council of Social Service with Appendix on Work in Rural Areas, JohnMorgan; Chapter VIII The Work of Voluntary Social Services Among Children Before School-Leaving Age, VioletCreech-Jones; Chapter IX Work Among Boys and Girls, Pearl Jephcott; Chapter X Adult Education, W. E. Williams; Chapter XI The Great Philanthropic Trusts, Henry A. Mess, Constance Braithwaite; Chapter XII The Finance of Voluntary Social Services, Henry A. Mess, Constance Braithwaite; Chapter XIII The Plage of Voluntary Social Service in the Life of the Nation, Henry A. Mess; Chapter XIV The Training and Recruitment of Social Workers, GertrudeWilliams;
Henry A. Mess, Constance Braithwaite, Violet Creech-Jones, Hilda Jennings, Pearl Jephcott, Harold King, Nora Milnes