»Krüger schafft argumentativ eine gute Balance zwischen nutzbarer Vision und kritischer Tatsachenbetrachtung, wodurch die Studie eine angemessene Divergenz aufweist. Dabei tritt er in kritische Distanz zu spiritueller Verblendung und benennt die Diffusität religiöser Argumente als solche und begreift diese Thesen als Hypothesen von denkbarer Möglichkeit. Diesbezüglich macht das Buch viel Spaß und stimuliert zum Weiterdenken.« Tobias Bieseke, KULT_online, 66 (2022) »Krüger observes the explicit or implicit relationship between posthumanism and religion (not only Christianity but also New Age spirituality), placing it in a historical and philosophical context. Moreover, he does so by employing a clear and accessible style, which makes the book a pleasure to read.« Zuzana Marie Kostiová, Religious Studies Review, 48/2 (2022)
Krüger, OliverOliver Krüger is professor for the Study of Religions at Fribourg University (Switzerland). His Ph.D. which he completed in 2002 at the University of Bonn was awarded by the German Association for the History of Religions. He then researched rituals of the Wicca movement as a postdoc at the University of Heidelberg. This was followed by a project at Princeton University on funeral rituals in the United States. Since 2007, Krüger has been teaching and researching at Fribourg University, primarily on sociology of religion and new media and science in relation to religion. He also served as president of the Swiss Society for the Study of Religions.