Volume 18, Number 1, 2005 Contents:GUEST EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION:G.J. Cizek, Adapting Testing Technology to Serve Accountability Aims: The Case of Vertically Moderated Standard Setting. RESEARCH ARTICLES:D.M. Lewis, C.A. Haug, Aligning Policy and Methodology to Achieve Consistent Across-Grade Performance Standards. S. Ferrara, E. Johnson, W-H. Chen, Vertically Articulated Performance Standards: Logic, Procedures, and Likely Classification Accuracy. W.D. Schafer, Criteria for Standard Setting From the Sponsor's Perspective. C.W. Buckendahl, H. Huynh, T. Siskind, J. Saunders, A Case Study of Vertically Moderated Standard Setting for a State Science Assessment Program. H. Huynh, C. Schneider, Vertically Moderated Standards: Background, Assumptions, and Practices. H. Huynh, K.E. Barton, J.P. Meyer, S. Porchea, D. Gallant, Consistency and Predictive Nature of Vertically Moderated Standards for South Carolina's 1999 Palmetto Achievement Challenge Tests of Language Arts and Mathematics.