11. Hox genes patterining the vertebrate body Deneen Wellik 2. Endodermal patterning Kat Hadjantonakis 3. The use of organoids/gastruloids to understand development David Turner 4. Cell shape and movements controlling development Mauricio Rocha and Caren Norden 5. Neural crest and placodes in vertebrate development Marianne E. Bronner and Brittany Edens 6. Patterning of the neural tube James Briscoe 7. Non cannonical Wnt signaling in axial extension Val Wilson and Alessandra Livigni 8. The control of transitions along the main body axis Moises Mallo 9. Emergence of a left-right symmetric body plan in vertebrate embryos Sundar Naganathan 10. Formation of the vascular system Anne Eichmann 11. Generation of patterns in the paraxial mesoderm Andy Oates 12. How chromatin architecture controls developmantal patterns Leonardo Beccari