1 Vertebroplasty and Ballon Kyphoplasty: an overview.- 2 Surgical and radiological anatomy of the spine.- 3 Biomechanics of the spine and materials employed in Vertebroplasty, Kyphoplasty and Augmentation techniques.- 4 Indication of Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty.- 5 Technique of Vertebroplasty.- 6 Technique of Kyphoplasty.- 7 Alternative techniques: elastoplasty, vesselplasty, spinejack, stenting, augmentation.- 8 Complications avoidance and management.- 9 Osteoportic vertebral fractures.- 10 Traumatic vertebral fractures.- 11 Pathologic vertebral fractures.- 12 Open kyphoplasties and its role in “separation surgery”.- 13 Innovative Techniques: brachytherapy.- 14 Future development and association with other mini-invasive approaches.
Stefano Telera has been a Consultant Neurosurgeon at “Santa Corona” Hospital in Pietra Ligure (SV) since 2001, and at the IRCSS National Cancer Institute “Regina Elena” in Rome since 2002.
His main field of practice and research is Cerebral and Spine Neuro-Oncology with 40 articles published in peer-reviewed international journals.
He is currently the Director of the Neurosurgical Department of “Regina Elena”.
Laura Raus has been jointly responsible for various research programmes on Neuro-Oncology promoted by the Italian National Research Board (CNR), Ministry of Health, and Italian League Against Cancer (AIRC). A Consultant Neurosurgeon at the IRCSS National Cancer Institute “Regina Elena” in Rome, Italy since 1992, with a particular interest in spinal oncological surgery, she holds one international patent and has published 30 articles in peer-reviewed international journals.
Valerio Pipola specialized in Orthopedics and Traumatology at the University of Bologna. He spent most of the residency program dedicating himself to the study and treatment of spinal pathologies, focusing in particular
on primary and metastatic spine tumors and publishing about 20 articles on the topic in international journals.
Since March 2021, he is Consultant Surgeon at Department of Oncologic and Degenerative Spine Surgery of
Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli.
Federico De Iure specialized in Orthopedics and Traumatology at the University of Bologna. A Consultant Orthopedics Surgeon at “Maggiore” Hospital in Bologna, Italy since 1996, he has also been Head of the Spine Surgery Unit at the “Maggiore” Hospital in Bologna since 2009. A member of the North America Spine Society (NASS), Italian Society of Vertebral Surgery, AO Spine, and Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (SIOT), he is Principal Investigator for the European Study on Vertebral Trauma (SCI-POEM). He has published over 120 articles in Italian and international journals.
Alessandro Gasbarrini specialized in Orthopedics and Traumatology at the University of Bologna. From 1998 to
2009, he worked as Consultant Surgeon at “Maggiore” Hospital in Bologna, distinguishing himself in the management of musculoskeletal oncology, in particular of spine. From 2009 to 2017 he was responsible for the treatment of metastatic tumor of spine at Department of Oncologic and Degenerative Spine Surgery of Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, becoming Director of the same unit since January 2018. He published more than 275 articles in national and international journals
This book offers an updated and comprehensive review of the role of vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty and augmentation techniques in all fields of orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, and interventional radiology. Addressing the latest advances in terms of the materials used and combined approaches with other mini-invasive techniques, it reveals how vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty and various augmentation techniques could become instrumental to helping patients with specific vertebral compression fractures or other diseases of the vertebral column. The book includes a detailed history of the techniques’ development, descriptions of the materials used in the last twenty years, and extensive information on the biomechanical basis, anatomy and current indications for vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty and augmentation.
In addition, it highlights representative cases to enhance readers’ understanding of each topic, and particular attention is paid to the innovative evolution of the techniques and to their combination with other mini-invasive approaches, stents and brachytherapy. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable guide for all neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, and interventional radiologists whose work involves spine pathologies and their treatment.