ISBN-13: 9781539668459 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 96 str.
Venom of a Bitter Woman is a Revised Edition of Venom of a Bitter Woman. It is about women who can be very wicked towards their own children, grand-children, relatives and people in general. I met people who are so cruel they don't reverence God. They regard themselves so powerful as though they will not die one day. I personally believe that men can be cruel but not like women. I thank God of heaven for giving me, my husband and daughter life and really protecting us day and night. While writing about the bad things my mother and people did to me, God laid upon my heart to write this book. In this book I talk about my painful experience which God has used for my good. Satan planned to destroy me but God worked it out for my good. Poverty had it worst torment on Katalay, myself and my child. I was offered a job and did not have money to pay transport, accommodation and a nanny for L'amour. I was offered another job but with very devious conditions so I declined. I walked and sometimes with L'amour for up to 10 km. We walked in the sun, in the cold and sometimes in the rain without a rain coat or umbrella. Relatives and neighbors watched us suffer without offering no help. I must say we had such hardship in our local African church that I decided we must find a "White Afrikaans Church." I say this not because the brethren did not choose so but L'amour and I were the only Black people when we first went there. They welcomed us and showed us love.