"Vascular Surgery ... is intended as a comprehensive detailed guide to performing vascular procedures. ... supply a valuable resource for vascular surgeons of any level. ... The chapters are well written and supply any surgeon with a valuable resource on how to perform a multiplicity of vascular operations. Overall ... can be highly recommended. The vascular surgery atlas truly provides a step-by-step guide for surgeons undertaking vascular procedures and interventions. This text would be of particular use for vascular surgery trainees ... ." (Todd R. Vogel, Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 302 (10), September, 2009)
"This well-written vascular surgery atlas presents a detailed practical guide for each procedure with excellent color diagrams. ... Vascular surgeons of any level and general surgeons performing vascular procedures and interventions are the intended audience. ... This is as an excellent and up-to-date vascular surgery atlas. ... This book clearly has an advantage over other texts due to the comprehensive, high-quality illustrations, the outstanding contributors, and the recognized expertise of the editors." (Manuel Garcia-Toca, Doody's Review Service, November, 2009)
Carotid body tumor.- Carotid Aneurysms.- Carotid Endarterectomy.- Eversion Carotid Endarterectomy.- Carotid Artery Stenting.- Surgical Reconstruction for Innominate Artery Occlusive Disease.- Carotid-Subclavian Transposition and Carotid-Subclavian Bypass.- Vertebral Artery Reconstruction.- Transaxillary Thoracic Outlet Decompression.- Treatment of Thoracic Outlet Syndromes and Cervical Sympathectomy.- Digital Sympathectomy for Scleroderma.- Thoracoscopic Cervical Sympathectomy.- Lumbar Sympathectomy.- Repair of Thoracoabdominal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms.- Transabdominal Replacement of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms.- Retroperiotoneal Replacement of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms.- Endovascular Treatment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms.- Endarterectomy of the Abdominal Aorta and its Branches.- Bypass Procedures for Mesenteric Ischemia.- Renal Artery Bypass.- Introduction to Lower Extremity Arterial Occlusive Disease.- Aorto-Femoral Bypass.- Extra-anatomic Revascularization.- Descending Thoracic Aorta to Femoral Artery Bypass.- Introduction to Infrainguinal Revascularization.- Exposure of the Lower Extremity Arteries.- Femoral to Above Knee Popliteal Prosthetic Bypass.- Femoral to Below Knee Popliteal Bypass with Reversed Greater Saphenous Vein.- Femoral to Posterior Tibial/Peroneal Artery in Situ Bypass.- Femoral to Anterior Tibial Artery Bypass with Non Reversed Greater Saphenous Vein.- Femoro-peroneal PTFE bypass with Adjunctive AV fistula/patch.- Vascular Access.- Amputation.- Surgery of the Veins.- Endovascular Management of Venous Thrombotic and Occlusive Disease.
The aim of the Springer Surgery Atlas Series is to a provide step-by-step guide for surgeons undertaking the commom operations in each specialty. The experienced editors of the Vascular Surgery volume have selected the procedures that currently make up their speciality and have invited a team of experts to contribute to these areas.
The authors present a detailed practical guide for each procedure; their instructions are complemented by full color clear uncomplicated diagrams. The reader is thus provided with the means of undertaking safe reflective skilled surgery, this being the basis for a successful outcome.