Chapter 3: Escaping the hype: Dealing with subjectivity
Chapter 4: Weighing the air: Valuing digital intangibles
Chapter 5: Web Business Models and EV
Chapter 6: Managing to delivering value in a digital world
Chapter 7: Summary and Conclusions
Francisco J. López Lubián is a professor and Head of the area of finance at IE Business School and an expert in financial valuation and analysis. He combined this teaching career with an intense career in business as a financial analyst at Hewlett-Packard, controller for the Sarrió Group, financial director for Sarrió Tisú and general financial director for the Isolux Group. Professor López Lubián regularly contributes to leading newspapers, including the Financial Times, and for the last five years has collaborated with Actualidad Económica journal and Expansión newspaper to publish the ranking of value creation for the shareholder.
José Esteves is Professor of Information Systems at IE Business School. He has a wealth of experience in the corporate world as an information systems analyst and consultant for companies such as Ciba-Geigy and Sonae Group and is chair of eGovernment Software AG- Alianza Sumaq. In addition to his research and teaching, Professor Esteves continues to act as a consultant to a number of companies saying: "Consulting provides fieldwork, data and results because, without examples, it’s all just theory. So it’s a cycle - consulting, research and then applying it in the classes."