I-IV -- General Editor's Preface -- Introduction: Two Thousand Years of Urbanization in the Americas -- PART ONE Congress of Americanists Papers -- The Selected Papers: An Overview -- SECTION ONE Method and Theory -- PREHISTORIC -- The City and the Origin of the State in America -- Cause, Effect, and Anthropological Study of Urbanism -- COLONIAL -- The Scale and Functions of Spanish American Cities Around 1600: An Essay on Methodology -- An Introduction to the Study of Provisioning in the Colonial City -- INDEPENDENCE AND MODERN -- The Influence of the Historical Process on External Dependency in the Restructuring of Present-Day Regional and Urban Networks -- Some Problematics of the Tertiarization Process in Latin America -- SECTION TWO Comparative Studies -- PREHISTORIC -- The Temple Town Community: Cahokia and Amalucan Compared -- Ecological Factors Affecting the Urban Transformation in the Last Centuries of the Pre-Columbian Era -- A Comparison of Some Aspects of the Evolution of Cuzco and Tenochtitlan -- COLONIAL -- European Urban Forms in the Fifteenth to Seventeenth Centuries and Their Utilization in Latin America -- Urban Preeminence and the Urban System in Colonial America -- The Colonial City as a Center for the Spread of Architectural and Pictorial Schools -- INDEPENDENCE AND MODERN -- Cities and Society in Nineteenth- Century Latin America: The Illustrative Case of Brazil -- Services in the Contemporary Latin American City: The Case of Chile -- SECTION THREE Case Studies -- The Internal Structure of Cities in America: Pre-Columbian Cities; The Case of Tenochtitlán -- Open-Grid Town Plans in Europe and America -- Military Influence in the Cities of the Kingdom of Chile -- The Urban Center as a Focus of Migration in the Colonial Period: New Spain -- Regional Economy and Urbanization: Three Examples of the Relationship Between Cities and Regions in New Spain at the End of the Eighteenth Century -- Changing Urban Patterns: The Porteño Case (1880-1910) -- Agricultural Development in the Process of Urbanization: Functions of Production, Population Patterns, and Urbanization -- PART TWO The ICAES Papers -- The Selected Papers: An Overview -- The City-State in the Basin of Mexico: Late Pre-Hispanic Period -- The Gridiron Town Plan and the Caste System in Colonial Central America -- A Brazilian Urban System in the Nineteenth Century: Pelotas and Rio de Janeiro -- Migrations and Urbanization in Brazil, 1870-1930: A Global Interpretation -- Household Composition and Mating Patterns Among Lower-Class Venezuelans -- The Survival of the Unfittest -- The Female Domestic Servant and Social Change: Lima, Peru -- The Unplanned Ecology of a Planned Industrial City: The Case of Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela -- Values and Migration Decision Making -- Biographical Notes -- Index of Names -- Index of Subjects