A Truly Golden Handbook of Urban DYStopiasChapter 2 Urban Farming: The Reluctant UtopiaChapter 3 Pertopia: Speculative Thinking in a Short-Term WorldChapter 4 Broadband-acre City: 'No Traffic Problem, No Buffering'Chapter 5 The Mega-Eco-Garden City: Stories of Rewilding and EcodystopiaChapter 6 An Urban Odyssey: City Beautiful to City InstagrammableChapter 7 Arcological City: Going UndergroundChapter 8 Cool Urbanism: The Radiant Exitance CityChapter 9 The City of Frictionless MobilityChapter 10 High-Definition City: An Invisible Horizon of Technological Human SpaceChapter 11 The Promises of Postcolonial Utopias: Perspectives from the Global SouthChapter 12 Cité Industrielle 4.0: Zoning for the Latest RevolutionChapter 13 Another Normal: A Techno-Social Alternative to Techno-Feudal CitiesChapter 14 The Floating 'Urban Village': Makoko FuturesChapter 15 GAN-Physarum: Shaping the Future of the UrbansphereChapter 16 From Another Perspective - Fanning the Flames of the City Heat: Anton Markus PasingContributorsAbout Architectural Design
Professor Jane Burry is the Dean of the School of Design in the Faculty of Health Arts and Design at Swinburne University of Technology, formerly Professor and Director of the Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory (SIAL) at RMIT University. Professor Burry is lead author of The New Mathematics of Architecture, T&H, 2010, editor of Designing the Dynamic, Melbourne Books, 2013 and coauthor of Prototyping for Architects, T&H 2016 and has over a hundred other publications. In 2020, she co-chaired and coedited Fabricate 2020, Making Resilient Architecture. She has practiced, taught, supervised and researched internationally, including many architectural projects and involvement as a project architect in the technical office at Antoni Gaudí's Sagrada Família church in Barcelona.Professor Marcus White is an award-winning architect and urban designer, Professor of Urban Design at Swinburne University of Technology, the director of the Spatio-Temporal Research Urban Design and Architecture Laboratory in the Centre for Design Innovation, and is a director of Harrison and White. His research focuses on designing for liveability using data and emerging technologies. Professor White is the creator of pedestrian network analysis tool www.pedestriancatch.com web platform. He recently led the City of Melbourne 3D Sunlight Study of Public Open Space study with interactive solar map, www.citiesofligh.xyz).