Richard G. Delisle owns a PhD in paleoanthropology (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa) and a PhD in philosophy (University of Montreal, Canada). He teaches evolutionary biology and history/philosophy of science in the programs of archaeology, philosophy, and liberal education at the University of Lethbridge (Canada). His research interest focuses on the multidisciplinary quest of understanding evolutionary studies under the intimate light of its past and current developments.
Maurizio Esposito owns a PhD in History and Philosophy of Science (University of Leeds). He teaches History and Philosophy of Biology in the Faculty of Science of the University of Lisbon (Portugal). His research interests focus on the historical development of life sciences as well as its social and philosophical implications.
David Ceccarelli owns a PhD in Historical, Social and Philosophical Sciences (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”). He has taught History of Science at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and at the University of Florence. His research interests focus on the history and historiography of evolutionary biology, the history of evolutionary social theories and the visual history of life sciences.