Contents: Series preface; Introduction. Part I Issues: The 'new' American military history: a map of the territory, explored and unexplored, Peter Karsten; Part II Military Operations: Wings and wheels: the 1st Aero Squadron, truck transport, and the punitive expedition of 1916, Roger Miller; A friend indeed? From Tobruk to El Alamein: the American contribution to victory in the desert, Andrew Buchanan; The quiet war: combat operations along the Korean demilitarized zone, 1966-69, Nicholas Evan Sarantakes; Disaster at desert one: catalyst for change, John E. Valliere; Military response to terrorism, Mark E. Kosnick. Part III Policy, Doctrine, and Decision Making: First lessons in modern war: Arthur Wagner, the 1898 Santiago campaign, and US army lesson-learning, T.R. Brereton; Evolution of the US navy's strategic assessments in the Pacific, 1919-31, William Braisted; George C. Marshall and the 1940 Louisiana maneuvers, Mary Kathryn Barbier; The all-volunteer army: fifteen years later, Curtis L Gilroy, Robert L. Phillips and John D. Blair; Civilian ideas and military innovation: manoeuver warfare and organisational change in the US army, Richard Lock-Pullan; Cutting, running, or otherwise? The US decision to withdraw from Somalia, Douglas E. Delaney. Part IV Science, Technology, and Industry: Fever and reform; The typhoid epidemic in the Spanish-American War, Vincent J. Cirillo; Science can never demobilize': the US navy and petroleum geology, 1898-1924, Peter A. Shulman; The rise and fall of brilliant pebbles, Donald R Baucom. Part V Cultural and Social Aspects: Licit amusements of enlisted men in the post-Civil War army, William A. Dobak; Prostitution and drugs: the United States army on the Mexican-American border, 1916-17, James Sandos; 'I like the cut of your jib': cultures of accommodation between the US navy and citizens of San Diego, CA, 1900-1951, Abraham J. Shragge; Social impact of military growth in St. Mary's County, MD, 1940-1995, Louis Hick
Jeffery Charlston, US Army Center of Military History, USA