»[The book] provides a stimulating development of a post-foundational spatial theory.« Lazaros Karaliotas, Urban Studies, 60/10 (2023) »[The book] creates a series of helpful and often innovative hooks to inspire futre post-foundational geographical scholarship.« Joe Blakey, Urban Studies, 60/10 (2023) »[Das Buch] zeigt [nicht nur], dass der Raum eine zentrale Rolle in postfundamentalistischem Denken spielt, sondern, dass eine Auseinandersetzung zwischen Politischer Theorie, human geography und urban studies äußerst fruchtbar zu sein scheint.« Valerie Scheibenpflug, sub\urban, 9/3-4 (2021)
Pohl, LucasLucas Pohl (Dr.), born in 1989, is a postdoctoral researcher at the Geography Department of the Humboldt University Berlin. He works on the interstices between human geography, philosophy, and psychoanalysis with a focus on spatial theory, built environments, and political action.