"The eyeblink chapter I enjoyed simply because it prompted thought and questions about things I hadn’t previously considered, which is what a book aimed at this level should do. … Senior academics who regularly supervise projects spanning the areas discussed, and departments/libraries with at least a moderate focus on visual cognition research, would benefit strongly from having this text available as a starting point for their postgraduate students."– Craig Hedge, University of Bristol, in Perception
V. Coltheart, Introduction to Tutorials in Visual Cognition. V. Di Lollo, Iterative Reentrant Processing: A Conceptual Framework for Perception and Cognition. W. Prinzmetal, A.N. Landau, Dissecting Spatial Visual Attention. J. Theeuwes, A. Belopolsky, Top-down and Bottom-up Control of Visual Selection: Controversies and Debate. J.M. Wolfe, T.S. Horowitz, E.M. Palmer, K.O. Michod, M.J. Van Wert, Getting Into Guided Search. D.E. Irwin, L.E. Thomas, Eyeblinks and Cognition. P. Jolicœur, R. Dell’Acqua, B. Brisson, N. Robitaille, K. Sauvé, É. Leblanc, D. Prime, S. Grimault, R. Marois, P. Sessa, C. Grova, J.-M. Lina, A.-S. Dubarry, Visual Spatial Attention and Visual Short-term Memory: Electromagnetic Explorations of Mind. V. Coltheart, A Review of Repetition Blindness Phenomena and Theories. P. Smith, Spatial Attention and the Detection of Weak Visual Signals. E. McKone, Face and Object Recognition: How Do They Differ? R. Palermo, G. Rhodes, Is Face Processing Automatic? C. Umiltà, K. Priftis, M. Zorzi. Visuo-spatial Representation of Number Magnitude. M. Coltheart, V. Coltheart, Visual Memories.
Veronika Coltheart is Associate Professor in psychology and member of MACCS at Macquarie University in Australia. Born in Budapest, Hungary, Coltheart was educated in Australia, where she received a B.A. from the University of Sydney and a Ph.D. from Monash University. Her previous academic posts held are: University of Guelph, Canada, and City of London Polytechnic, UK (subsequently London Guildhall University). Coltheart's research interests include: cognition of briefly presented visual stimuli; repetition blindness and the attentional blink; phonological coding in reading and STM; and learning to read.