Editorial 1. Concepts and Backgrounds Henk de Vos: Community and Human Social Nature in Contemporary Society Bernd Lahno: Three Aspects of Interpersonal Trust Hans-Werner Bierhoff/Bernd Vornefeld: The Social Psychology of Trust with Applications in the Internet Uwe Matzat: Cooperation and Community on the Internet: Past Issuses and Present Perspectives for Theoretical-Empirical Internet Research 2. The Internet as an Environment for Trust Victoria McGeer: Developing Trust on the Internet Philip Pettit: Trust, Reliance and the Internet Russell Hardin: Internet Capital Geoffrey Brennan/Philip Pettit: Esteem, Identifiability and the Internet 3. Reputation and Online Auctions Chris Snijders/Richard Zijdeman: Reputation and Internet Auctions: eBay and Beyond Gary E. Bolton/Elena Katok/Axel Ockenfels: Trust among Internet Traders Werner Güth/Hartmut Kliemt: The Evolution of Trust(worthiness) in the Net 4. Groups and Networks Coye Cheshire/Karen S. Coole: The Emergence of Trust Networks under Uncertaintay. Implications for Internet Interactions Anabel Quan-Haase/Barry Wellman: Local Virtuality in a High-Tech Networked Organization Andreas Flache: How May Virtual Communication Shape Cooperation in a Work Team? Margit Osterloh/Sandra Rota: Trust and Community in Open Source Software Production 5. Law and the Internet Eric Hilgendorf Crime, Law and the Internet Geoffrey Brennan/Rodgers & Hammerstein: Internet-Hymn