Part I Overview of combustion/incineration residues 1. Conception and process of combustion and incineration 2. Regulations and policies for combustion/incineration residues treatment and utilization 3. State-of-the-art characterization techniques for combustion/incineration residues 4. Characteristics of combustion residues, waste incineration residues, various slags
Part II Purification and detoxification of combustion/incineration residues 5. Cement-based immobilization of combustion/incineration residues 6. Sintering and melting of combustion/incineration residues 7. Hydrothermal treatment of combustion/incineration residues 8. Chemical agent-based immobilization of combustion/incineration residues 9. Electrochemical and mechanochemical treatment of combustion/incineration residues 10. Biochemical treatment of combustion/incineration residues 11. Washing and emerging treatment (carbonation/microwave) of combustion/incineration residues 12. Environmental risk assessment methodology on combustion/incineration residues
Part III Recycling of combustion/incineration residues into cement clinker 13. Recycling of pulverized fly ash into cement clinker 14. Recycling of incineration sewage sludge ash into cement clinker 15. Recycling of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash and bottom ash into cement clinker 16. Recycling of various slags into cement clinker
Part IV Recycling of combustion/incineration residues into SCMs and aggregates 17. Recycling of pulverized fuel ash into SCMs and aggregates 18. Recycling of biomass combustion ash into SCMs and aggregates 19. Recycling of incineration sewage sludge ash into SCMs and aggregates 20. Recycling of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash into SCMs and aggregates 21. Recycling of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash into SCMs and aggregates 22. Recycling of various slags into SCMs and aggregates
Part V Recycling of combustion/incineration residues into functional materials 23. Recycling of combustion/incineration residues into zeolites and ceramics 24. Recycling of combustion/incineration residues into foaming agents 25. Recycling of combustion/incineration residues into soil amendments
Part VI Resource recovery from combustion/incineration residues 26. Resource recovery from pulverized coal fly ash and bottom ash 27. Resource recovery from incinerated sewage sludge ash 28. Resource recovery from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash 29. Resource recovery from various slags
Part VII Future prospects 30. Environmental impacts of combustion/incineration residue-derived products 31. Life cycle and cost-benefit analysis on different utilization/treatment strategies 32. Current bottlenecks and future directions on academic studies and industrial applications